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Xbox 360 Console de salon, sortie en 2005 (Xbox 360), 2010 (Xbox 360 Slim)

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Vieux 17/08/2007, 21h37   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut [NEWS] Encode360 v2.0 RC1 est sorti !

Bonjour à tous,

une petite news pour signaler la sortie de Encore360 2.0 RC1.

Voici le readme en anglais :

After 9 months in beta, it’s time I took this puppy towards a stable release

A few points to note…

The app can only ever be as stable as WME is, and your Codec configuration. If Enc360 can’t encode a video, try encode it in Windows Media Encoder. If you hit a problem here, the chances are, I can’t fix it (although someone in the forums *might* be able to tell you how to reconfigure your codecs to get things working). My point is, someone’s ALWAYS going to have problems because of WME and codec problems. It doesn’t necessarily mean Encode360 is not stable.

x64 support is not x64 native. It seems that the x64 Windows Media Encoder doesn’t given great performance. However, all the kinks have hopefully been worked out so that Enc360 can use the x86 WME, without all of the problems people were hitting before.

Multi-core works flawlessly on 3 different Core 2 Duo’s that I’ve tried, running both XP and Vista, and has been verified to work on AMD dual-core with Vista x64.

Enc360 will intentionally not install if WME is not already installed. The forum is FLOODED with people who haven’t bothered their arses reading the install instructions. This change is to prevent any more of these. If I start getting emails saying ‘app wont install, says it needs WME. please fix’ i may actually just hunt you down and beat you.

Encode360 2.0 RC1 Changelog :

NEW: Multi-core Support
NEW: Preferred Language. Sets the default language for both subtitle AND audio tracks (for container formats using Haali such as MKV/OGM)
NEW: Well, sortof. OGM Subtitles Extractor rewritten and now bundled as part of installer
NEW: Support for ASS Subtitles through ffdshow (experimental)
CHANGE: If FFDShow isn’t found, clicking Cancel no longer exits the app
CHANGE: Updated K-Lite Full Codec Pack to 3.3.0
CHANGE: Updated MediaInfo.DLL to
FIX: x64 Support (Thanks to balog and shlicky for assistance and fixes)
FIX: Encoder wasn’t cleaning up after itself, leading to memory leaks and dozens of systray icons
FIX: FFDshow subtitles weren’t being enabled if ticked in Advanced Settings
FIX: If ‘Output To’ was a saved preference, you’d be prompted for a path every time Enc360 started, even though the path was saved too
FIX: MKV PreProcessing Scriptlet would incorrectly parse certain subtitle streams and create a new folder instead of the actual subtitle file
FIX: Installer would continue if Windows Media Encoder wasn’t found
FIX: Minor bugfixes
Merci à Dan, son auteur.

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