Vu qu'il n'y as pas tellement d'astuces & soluces en francais sur ce jeu je propose de regroupé ici tout ce qui peux etre utile ici pour les mission et les activité, une sorte de guide quoi.
Donc je commence (normal)
Activités :
Garage clandestin du downtown
Cavallard : dispo dans saint's row mission beach, downtown (Filmore, Union Square, Brighton, Adept Way)
Quota : diso dans saint's row mission beach, Suburbs misty lane, High ebd retail (nob hill, Atlantis avenue)
FBI : Avoir 4 étoiles de recherche
Keystone : Saint's row Beach
Nordberg : dispo dans Museum (Humbolt Park, Amberbrook)
Nelson : Suburbs (Misty lane, Tidal spring)
Mag : Suburbs (Huntersfield, Nob Hill), Museum (Humbolt Park,Amberbrook)
Bulldog : Terminé toutes les missions d'un gang et il apparaitra un peu partout dans la carte, ce sont les voitures de votre gang.
Garage clandestin de la zone Docks and Warehouse
Reaper : Airport, sur le parking a coté de l'activité escorte.
Ambulance : a l'hopital ou appeler le 911 pour que l'ambulance arrive devant vous
Destiny : ?
Taxi : Un peu partout dans la ville ou appeler le 555-455-8008 pour qu'un taxi vienne vous chercher
Slingshot : ?
Bootlegger : ?
Compton : Saint's Row (Harrowgate, Athos Bay), Factories
La Fuerza : Factories fox drive, Airport
Garage clandestin de chinatown :
Peterliner : sur l'autoroute
Nightingale : a l'aéroport
Halberd : sur l'autoroute, saint's row
Westbury :
Varsity : juste a coté du garage, en sortant sur la gauche au petit parking
Raycaster : ?
Attrazione : high end retail, nob hil à proximité de chaos dèriere un batiment
Zenith : il faut acheter cette voiture
Les cd (merci a pulsar)
Number: 1
Area: Misty Lane, Suburbs District
Location: On the back patio closest to your crib
Number: 2
Area: Tidal Springs, Suburbs District
Location: On top of the stairs to the apartment near theraised freeway
Number: 3
Area: Tidal Springs, Suburbs District
Location: In a backyard near the burning fire pit
Number: 4
Area: Huntersfield, Suburbs Sistrict
Location: Beside a pool behind a fence next door to brown baggers
Number: 5
Area: Huntersfield, Suburbs District
Location: On the front balcony of the store next to brown baggers
Number: 6
Area: Huntersfield, Suburbs District
Location: At the top of the ramp on top floor of the parking garage
Number: 7
Area: Nob Hill, High End Retail District
Location: At the top of the stairs on the second floor of the outdoor mall
Number: 8
Area: Atlantis Avenu, High End Retail District
Location: Next to a pool through a privacy fence
Number: 9
Area: Nob Hill, High End Retail District
Location: Front of the redveil storefront
Number: 10
Area: Humbolt Park, Museum District
Location: At the base of the monument next to the Stillwater Science Center
Number: 11
Area: Humbolt Park, Museum District
Location: Over the cliff on the narrow rocky shorline
Number: 12
Area: Nob Hill, High End Retail District
Location: Up the south steps of the NNC building
Number: 13
Area: Nob Hill, High End Retail District
Location: In a corner at the bottom of the steps at the south end of the NNC buildings lower walkway
Number: 14
Area: Filmore, Downtown District
Location: In the recessed walkway around the strip of stores, The CD is in front of a store called Roser
Number: 15
Area: Amberbrook, Museum District
Location: In the lot where you find the bulldozer in the main story missions
Number: 16
Area: Brighton, Downtown District
Location: On a ledge behind the irish puband beside the raised freeway on a raised grassy median
Number: 17
Area: Union Square, Downtown District
Location: On the balcony behind the Torin bank next to the bridge
Number: 18
Area: Union Square, Downtown District
Location: Follow the stairs behind the loan office activity down to the large area infront of the Arena Store
Number: 19
Area: Ultor Dome, Arena District
Location: Follow the dirt road between the aqueduct and the freeway to the Water Trearment Facility the CD is in the fence
Number: 20
Area: Union Square, Downtown District
Location: By the many porta-johns at the Ultor Dome
Number: 21
Area: Sunnyvale Gardens, Projects District
Location: Behind the old Uncle Spacle's Tackle Shack on the shoreline
Number: 22
Area: Shivington, Projects District
Location: On the playground near a tagging location
Number: 23
Area: Shivington, Projects District
Location: On the foundation of a destroyed house on the corner
Number: 24
Area: Pleasent View, Projects District
Location: Hop the fence behind Zatros bar, The CD is in the small backyard
Number: 25
Area: Shivington, Projects District
Location: Behind the breakable wooden fence below the raisd train track
Number: 26
Area: Bavogian Plaza, Red Light District
Location: At the Uranus Theater ticket window accessed from the back parking lot
Number: 27
Area: Rebadeaux, Red Light District
Location: On the furthest and lowest end of the small wooden pier
Number: 28
Area: Mission Beach, Saints Row District
Location: On the floor of this building that's under construction
Number: 29
Area: Mission Beach, Saints Row District
Location: In a ramshakle cul-de-sac near a dumpster in the street
Number: 30
Area: Pleasent View, Projects District
Location: In the small back yard between the projects row of duplexes and the raised freeway
Number: 31
Area: Prawn Court, Red Light District
Location: In the nook at the front door of the cheetah bus lines
Number: 32
Area: Prawn Court, Red Light District
Location: In the parking lot of the two story brick building with the Pornstar Night posters on the wall
Number: 33
Area: Sommerset, Apartment District
Location: On the third floor balcony of the apartment building
Number: 34
Area: Sommerset, Apartment District
Location: In the picnic area between apartment buildings
Number: 35
Area: Sommerset, Apartment District
Location: Beside the gated pool between the apartmen buildings
Number: 36
Area: Sommerset, Apartment District
Location: Knock the wooden fence down next to Friendly Fire
Number: 37
Area: Chinatown, Chinatown District
Location: Smash through the green chain link privacy fence near the warehouse
Number: 38
Area: Chinatown, Chinatown District
Location: Inside the covered lion-gargoyle gaurded corner entrance to the oriental building where you meet Mr Wong
Number: 39
Area: Copperton, Truck Yard District
Location: Break through the privacy fence around the construction site under the raised freeway by the trailer office
Number: 40
Area: Cooperton, Truck Yard District
Location: In the back behind the green warehouse surrounded by wooden fences
Number: 41
Area: Cooperton, Truck Yard District
Location: Between two blue double-stacked shipping containers behind the the loading dock on the corner
Number: 42
Area: Cooperton, Truck Yard District
Location: In the oriental gazebo in the middle of the Feng Sui Park
Number: 43
Area: Ezpata, Barrio District
Location: Next to the goldfish pond in your mansions gazebo
Number: 44
Area: Wardill airport, Airport District
Location: In the top of the plane hanger
Number: 45
Area: Wardill Airport, Airport District
Location: Behind the chain link fence in the rear of the radar building
Number: 46
Area: Wardill Airport, Airport District
Location: Derriere la tour de controle
Number: 47
Area: Encanto, Barrio District
Location: In an alley west of the Scratch That music store
Number: 48
Area: Encanto, Barrio District
Location: Near the park benches in the small courtyard just off the main road
Number: 49
Area: Cecil Park, Barrio District
Location: On the walkway in the strip mall
Number: 50
Area: Cooperton, Truck Yard District
Location: In the back of the recessed foundation of the power generator towers
Number: 51
Area: The Mills, Factory District
Location: In a corner on the lot within the Summers Manufacturing buildings
Number: 52
Area: Fox drive, Factory District
Location: At the end of the broken rail bridge
Number: 53
Area: Pilsen, Factory District
Location: On the low dirt road beyond the tracks next to an old storage building
Number: 54
Area: Black Bottom, Factory District
Location: On a small island in the murky water below the freeway
Number: 55
Area: Fox Drive, Factory District
Location: Within the smaller tanks on a platform near the small brick building south of the large water tanks
Number: 56
Area: Charlestown, Docks and Warehouse District
Location: Behind the Butter Pole Bar and the Grill building in a nook at the bottom of a couple of steps
Number: 57
Area: Charlestown, Docks and Warehouse District
Location: Across the street from Butter Pole Bar and the Grill at the foot of the green water towers
Number: 58
Area: Stoughton, Docks and Warehouse District
Location: In the southwest corner of the boat junk yard
Number: 59
Area: Poseiden Alley, Docks and Warehouse District
Location: At the end of the only dock on the west end of the pier
Number: 60
Area: Poseiden Alley, Docks and Warehouse District
Location: On the small island in the pond
Tout ca en image et en rajoutant les tags, les cds en rouge et les tags en rose
Apparemment, il existe une astuce qui consiste à voler un camion transporteur de fonds (camion blindé, bleu ou blanc, je ne sais plus trop, présent un peu partout sur la map le matin et le soir) et de le faire exploser. On peut récolter pas mal avec ça, mais je n'ai pas encore testé.
(astuce+ en enfermant ce camion dans son garage, et en le faisant exploser a l'intérieur de son garage, apparemment, il y a moyen de repeter l'operation indéfiniment)
voici 1 numero secret qui vous debloquera 1 nouveau pote (un poulet) 5552445
Terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Annexes dans chaque localisation pour débloquer les bonus suivants.
Tueurs à gages
AS12 Riot Platinum : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Tueur à Gages de Wardill Airport.
GDHC .50 Gold : terminez toutes les Missions Tueur à Gages de Shivington.
RPG Launcher Platinum : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Tueur à Gages.
Voiture Atrazione Exotic : terminez toutes les Missions de Tueur à Gages
Les Tags
Stamina + 10% : recouvrez tous les Tags de Los Carnavales.
Stamina + 10% : recouvrez tous les Tags des Vice Kings.
Stamina + 10% : recouvrez tous les Tags des Westside Rollerz.
Stamina Illimitée : recouvrez tous les Tags.
Samantha : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Escorte de Bavogian.
Vêtement Dress To Kill : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Escorte Wardill Airport.
Voiture Anchor : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Escorte de Misty Lane.
Bijoux : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Détournement de Tidal Spring.
Leather Face : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Détournement.
Titan : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Détournement de Wardill Airport.
Voiture Attrazion : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Détournement de Copperton.
Garage clandestin
Réparations moins chères : terminez toutes les Missions Garage Clandestin.
Variante d’Hollywood : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Garage Clandestin de Docks & Warehouses.
Variante de Ricochet : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Garage Clandestin de Chinatown.
Variante de Stiletto : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Garage Clandestin de Downtown.
Bombe Artisanale : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Chaos de Misty Lane.
Cocktail Molotov : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Chaos de Barrio.
Grenades : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Chaos de Nob Hill.
RPG Launcher : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Chaos.
Fraude à l'assurance
Dégâts Accidents de Voitures Réduits : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Fraude à l’Assurance de Cecil Park.
Dégâts Balles Réduits : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Fraude à l’Assurance d’Adept Way.
Dégâts Explosions Réduits : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Fraude à l’Assurance de Chinatown.
Régénération Santé Rapide : terminez tous les Niveaux des Missions Fraude à l’Assurance.
Débloquer The Job (grande limousine 4x4)
Terminez tous les Niveaux de toutes les Missions Annexes pour débloquer cette nouvelle voiture.
Une astuce pour escorte lorsque vous etes proche de l'aéroport, prenez le tremplin pour sauter sur le toit d'un hangars et restez y, le plaisir augmentera mais pas les images.