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Wii Console de salon, sortie en 2006 (Wii), 2012 (Wii Mini)

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Vieux 28/11/2006, 18h43   #151 (permalink)
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ça n'aurait pas changer grand chose.

voici les compteurs en temps réel :

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Vieux 28/11/2006, 18h56   #152 (permalink)
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Pour la résolution faut pas non plus dire qu'on aurait pas envie d'avoir de la HD sur Wii, c'est sur que c'est beaucoup moins important que le reste, c'est pas un truc qui me gene qu'elle n'y soit pas sur Wii mais c'est vrai que plus la résolution est haute et moins il y a d'aliasing qui lui est génant.
En tout cas cette nuit j'ai révé que je recevais la Wii je commancais a y jouer et puis je me disais, "mais c'est bizarre que je l'ai déjà pff encore un reve" et la je me réveillé et je l'avais vraiment, j'était heureux...sauf que je révais encore, vous connaissez la suite

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Vieux 28/11/2006, 19h09   #153 (permalink)
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Si moi je m'en tape de la hd sur wii

Pourtant j'ai la 360 en Hd .

Je voit pas l'interet a la hd sur wii , pour le style de jeu proposer
I'm be back
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Vieux 28/11/2006, 19h24   #154 (permalink)
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Ah bon t'es sérieux? Bon sur des jeux comme Wii play ou Wii sport d'accord mais dans Zelda les graphismes on une belle place et en HD ils seraient plus fins, et puis il va y'en avoir un paquet de jeux (faut espérer) donc je ne comprend pas trop pourquoi tu parle du style de jeu proposé...
Bref de toute facon y'aura pas de HD sur Wii donc on s'en fou en plus j'ai pas de TV HD.

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Vieux 28/11/2006, 20h30   #155 (permalink)
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Envoyé par supergrey Voir le message
Bref de toute facon y'aura pas de HD sur Wii donc on s'en fou en plus j'ai pas de TV HD.
J'adore cette phrase .Toute simple, mais tellement vraie.
Zero was here, mofo
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Vieux 28/11/2006, 20h56   #156 (permalink)
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de toute maniere je m'en balance du HD, de 1 je n'ai pas de TV HD et 2 j'ai pas besoin de ca pour me faire du fun. Je suis déja content de l'avoir ma wii.
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Vieux 29/11/2006, 01h25   #157 (permalink)
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Harlock tu ma tu adder comme Mee svp!? :triste:
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Vieux 29/11/2006, 01h30   #158 (permalink)
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Comment hacker le wii brower avant qu'il soit sortie TUTO

Ok, I finally got the browser to work! It even has a back, forward, google, and refresh button.

If you want things to go back to normal, in your wii settings go to your internet connection, and change the dns settings to auto. Now the wii shop channel should show up normally.

NOTE: I didn't write the "basis for this guide", other people on this forum did. They deserve the credit!

Here is a basic setup of whats going on (for the tech savvy), If you just want to read the simplified guide scroll down.

Have the wii dns route back to your computer (I used simpleDNS)
And on your computer, have a local server running with PHP enabled
Then you set up a proxy that goes to google, or any other site
The stuff here .... has the proxy set up and the code for everything to be stable (also onscreen keyboard)
And for back buttons you just use a portal site like this
and make it redirect there instead of google, and thats it.

If you have no idea what I just wrote read on....


This is the guide on the front, but slightly modified for easy learning

Step One:
Download Simple DNS Plus at
Install Simple DNS Plus

Step Two:
Once you have Simple DNS Plus opened goto Tools -> Edit DNS Records
In the DNS records goto tools --> Quick Domain Wizard
In the domain field type ""

for the webserver ip put in YOUR IP ADDRESS, to find it
go to run
type cmd
the command prompt should open
type ipconfig
find where it says ip address
thats what you put as the webserver ip

Erase the secondary DNS Server and press OK

On the WII
Goto the Wii Menu
Wii Settings
Connection Settings
Choose the connection that is set up and works normally with the wii shop channel
Then change the settings of that connection
click next 3 times until you get to the DNS setup, Click Advanced Settings
Then enter the primary DNS as your computers IP address: (Same as what you put before, ipconfig)
Save those settings
Test the connection, it should work, if it does not, you have done something wrong

Courtesy of audiotheory ----- He wrote this, I didn't! All I have done is modified it slightly.

I set this up last night very easily and since I'm reading that people are having a hard time I figured I'd register and post my steps. Very Happy

1) download apache server 2.2 from here:

2) run the install, just click OK to everything.

NOTE: If apache is getting OS 10048 error when it starts, saying someting like port 80 is being used, go to the command prompt and type...

netstat -o
then find something that uses port 80, it might show up as 12080 (it did in my case)
once you found it, find the PID of it
Then press CTRL ALT DEL
click on processes
View-- Select columns
Check the PID one
Now find the process
right click and end it (make sure its safe to end it, or just close the program using it)

3) download php 5.2 from here:

3.5) run the install using THESE MODIFIED STEPS
It first asks you where to install PHP, dont change this! Use the default and click OK!
Then it asks for the version of Apache, it is Apache 2.2, select that and press OK
Now it asks where apache is, so navigate to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf
MAKE SURE YOU CLICK ON THE CONF folder so you are in it!
after this step you can press ok until the end

4) if the php install has worked a message box will pop up at the end asking if you want to alter your apache configuration (click yes). If you don't get this somethings gone wrong so simpley uninstall php and run step 3 again.

5) download (
or -- I used this, but I'm sure its the same

6) unzip the contents of to the /htdocs directory(C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs) ( in your apache directory - make sure you have the "keep directory structure" option checked so that it creates the 2 new directorys in /htdocs

So in the htdocs folder there should be

and two folders:

7) click the apache icon in your taskbar and chose "restart" so that it restarts the apache service

If you've got the dns setup properly (as was posted at the beginning of the thread) and is being redirected to your computers ip address everything should now work!

To check if you did everything right, go to your pc, open a browser, and type or your ip address. It should go to a blank page saying Wii Shop Channel

If it does, YOUR ALL SET!!

Go to your wii, open the wii shop channel, and your done

IF YOU WANT A BACK BUTTON, along with other buttons read more!

Navigate to your htdocs folder...
which should be here
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs
right click CheckRegistered.html and click edit OR open CheckRegistered.html in an html editor
find the line saying...
top.location = '/proxy/index.php?';

and change it too
top.location = '/proxy/index.php?q=';

THANKS TO ghostless who made this "portal" page!

Save it and exit, now go to the shop channel on the wii and your ON!
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Vieux 29/11/2006, 01h36   #159 (permalink)
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Et en bon francais sa donne koi svp ? Merci

Rien n'est Infaillible /
Nothing is Foolproof

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Vieux 29/11/2006, 09h34   #160 (permalink)
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Donc si j'ai bien compris sur la Wii il n'y a pas encore opera donc normalement on ne peut pas aller se ballader partout sur le web. Par contre on peut déjà aller sur le Wii shop channel qui est en fait une page web. Ca veut dire que la Wii a déjà un navigateur?
Et donc avec cette manip on fait croire a la console qu'elle va sur le Wii shop channel et on la redirige sur un proxy et donc ou on veut !
C'est bien ca?

J'espère que Nintendo va laisser faire vu qu ca va rester une minorité de personne et que ce n'est pas bien grave... parceque sinon il n'auront pas de mal à corriger cette faille.

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