voilà, j'ai un fichier .avi dont je ne peux as avoir le son. Gspot me dit qu'il y a surement un pb de codec audio: voilà ce qu'il me dit:
Special Note: GSpot determined this audio should play, yet it didn't, and the format code is 0x160 or 0x161. This combination of conditions is a likely indicator that the Microsoft WMA codec is attempting to play DivX 3 audio, or vice versa - an unfortunate result of original DivX designers' neglect to use a distinct format code. The ability to play this audio may be dependent on the installation or uninstallation of at least the audio portion of the DivX 3.11 codec. This codec may also be referred to as "DivX audio version 4.0x"
Ya t'il un moyen d'avoir la video et l'audio en même temps???
(effacer les codecs divx n'a pas marcher)