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Playstation Portable Console portable, sortie en 2005 (PSP), 2007 (PSP Slim & Lite), 2008 (PSP 3000), 2009 (PSP Go), 2011 (PSP Street)

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Vieux 22/11/2007, 09h20   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut [RELEASE] iR Shell 3.8

iR Shell 3.8 est sorti j'ai mis la news de maxconsole, désolé mais comme je pars au taff j'ai pas le temps de traduire les news je le ferai en rentrant ce soir ou sinon si quelqu'un peut le faire ca serait cool

This release adds support to PSP Slim, plus various new features. Basically, all existing & new features are the same between Phat & Slim, with the exception of Slim can't use Infra-Red remote. BTW, I will be taking a long break from the scene. If there are any critical bugs in this release, I will try to fix them before leaving.

Here is a list of feature highlights. For details, refer to the release note in the archive.

* Supports the latest M33 firmwares across both Phat & Slim. Slim users can choose among 3.60M33, 3.71M33-1 to 3.71M33-3.
* PSOne 2-Player Adhoc Support.
* Introduces a new Context Menu System. Functions (plugins) under context menu will always be available to all file types, similar to the right mouse menu click under Windows.
* Added a new Multi-tasking PRX Plugin System. This allows user written PRX Plugins for iR Shell to multi-task with another game/app. The included PRX HTML/Text Viewer developed by korDen allows you to view HTML & Text documents while playing games or homebrews..
* With the help from Dark_AleX, support to M33 & NP9660 No UMD Modes have been added. NetHostFS & UsbHostFS are also available for the No UMD modes.
* Added support to the latest Popsloader for 3.71M33-3 by Dark_AleX.
* Allow random start of MP3 for the alarm clock function, so you'll be greeted with different tunes each morning.
* Added the options to put your PSP to auto-sleep while idle to save battery.
* Allows you to press Hot-Key to turn off/on all LEDs. The annonying memory stick or WiFi LEDs will no longer distract you from watching your favorite video/movie.
* Support TV-Out for Slim via component cable.
* Added the display of volume bar for PSP main volume in iR Shell.
* plus numerous bug fixes.

Special thanks to:

* Dark_AleX for his help and support in iR Shell development. Many of the M33 related features are made possible with his assistance.
* Tyranid and other developers in for creating the pspsdk.
* StoneCut, F34R and other moderators who keep running and providing technical support to the community.
* korDen for making a multi-tasking HTML/Text Viewer plugin specific for iR Shell.
* All iR Shell beta testers, donators, skins & plugin contributors.


* M33 Custom firmware & popsloader are developed by Dark_AleX/M33.
* remotejoyGUI for Windows & Cleanup Script is developed by StoneCut.
* remotejoy & usbhostfs are developed by Tyranid.
* The included HTML/Text PRX Plugin is developed by korDen.
* The included EDIT Plugin is based on pspwrite by Zx81. Thanks to Zx81 for creating a nice text editor for PSP. The modified source code can be found in forum.
* iR Shell bundled skins & plugins are developed by their corresponding authors.
* iR Shell Manual & FAQs are written by StoneCut.

If you enjoy using this release, you can make a paypal donation by clicking the donation link below:
Donation Link

Download Links (26MB):
Send big files the easy way. Files too large for email attachments? No problem!
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting (mirror)

For other optional components, such as skins, pronto codes, etc, refer to previous release.

For technical supports, pls visit Un-Official iR Shell Forums forum.

NDS Lite White + R4DS
XBOX 360 Elite Flashée
PS3 60GB Black
PSP Slim Ice Silver EUR 3.71 M33-3
SONY LCD 46W4000
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Vieux 22/11/2007, 11h57   #2 (permalink)
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Merci L0rd, t'es déjà à fond à 09:20 du matin !
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Vieux 22/11/2007, 11h57   #3 (permalink)
Otaku Style
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Enfin IR shell pour la Slim,merci pour la news LOrd.

Et un grand merci aux codeurs.
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Vieux 22/11/2007, 12h14   #4 (permalink)
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je vais tester ca tout de suite!
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Vieux 22/11/2007, 12h38   #5 (permalink)
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L'hadoc des jeux ps1 fonctionne t-il bien?
car c'est la seule chose qui me pousserais a prendre IRshell ^^
PSP GO Piano Black 6.20
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Vieux 22/11/2007, 12h47   #6 (permalink)
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Trèèèès bonne nouvelle que nous avons là, mise à jour en cours pour ce superbe outils!
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Vieux 22/11/2007, 13h22   #7 (permalink)
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encore une bonne nouvelle, merci à tout les développers. je vais tester de suite..
PSP 1004 Noir:
2.01 -> 1.50 -> 3.02 OE-A -> 3.02 OE-B -> 3.40 OE-A -> 3.52 M33-4 -> 3.71 M33-4 + Appelcor fr
MS 32Mo + MS 1Go + MS 2Go high speed + MS 4Go: All Official Sony

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Vieux 22/11/2007, 16h53   #8 (permalink)
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Sa c est du bon enfin Irshell slim
Merci pour la news
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Vieux 22/11/2007, 17h35   #9 (permalink)
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Wouha !!! Ca c'est une bonne nouvelle
Si le mode adhoc ps1 marche, ca sera encore mieux ! Je teste ce soir
PS3 60GB

Pseudo PSN : guyguy24

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Vieux 22/11/2007, 18h26   #10 (permalink)
The Pain
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Excellent, c'est ce que j'attendais le plus sur la Slim!!! Merci Ahman et merci d'la news L0rd m'en vais tester tout çà moi...
PSP Silver Slim and Light 5.50 GEN D3 + MS 4Go X2 + Pandora's Kit Desperter Del Cementatio V.8.

XBOX 360 Elite Jasper Lite-On v.93450 + DD 120Go + Manette Wireless Black X3 + CoD MW2

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