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Playstation Portable Console portable, sortie en 2005 (PSP), 2007 (PSP Slim & Lite), 2008 (PSP 3000), 2009 (PSP Go), 2011 (PSP Street)

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Vieux 12/09/2006, 09h30   #11 (permalink)
assassin's creed addict
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Avatar de olafe
Date d'inscription: mai 2006
Localisation: marseille
Âge: 50
Genre : Homme
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tu est au debut du jeux, si je vois bien ou tu est. il faut revenir a l'entrée du donjon ou il y à la fontaine la tu retourne au milieu et tu t'approche d'une éspéce de demi sphére et la le prince plantera l"épée dans les sol pour liberer une levier.

olafe est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
Vieux 12/09/2006, 12h39   #12 (permalink)
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J'ai été sur le .txt en anglais...non seulement j'ai du mal avec l'anglais mais en plus je ne pige pas trop comment est fait le document. J'ai recopié le passage qui semble me concerner ci-dessous; ben heu... :

The Key and the Lock...3.08
To get back through the door, run up the left wall and pull down th switch.
Get past the traps the same way you did before except in the room with the big
gap, you need to shimmy around the lower ledge instead and jump between the
ledges in the center of the room.

.................................................. .............................
Revelations Exclusive Puzzle...3.081
.................................................. .............................
The "Ladder Ledges Take Two" (In reverse):

1. Climb down the ladder
2. Jump to the crevice on the prince's left
3. Shimmy to the right
4. Jump backwards and keep jumping off the wall until you grab the pole
5. Drop down to the bottom pole and swing to the crevice in the wall
6. Shimmy to the right and dorp to the ledge
7. Climb down the ladder
8. Jump to the next ladder and descend
9. Jump to the ledge and jump to the next ladder, climb down

In this next room you can just walk through the center now, save here if you
would like.

The "Ladder Ledges" (In reverse):

1. Go to the back left corner, jump off the wall to reach the ladder and climb
2. Run along the wall in front of you and jump to the next ledge, climb the
3. Landscape view and jump to the ledge with the ladder, climb the ladder
4. Jump from the ladder to the pole
5. Climb to the right side of the pole
6. Swing to the ladder or ledge (doesn't matter), climb the ladder
7. Shimmy to the prince's left, run along the wall and jump to the last ledge
8. Climb the last ladder

.................................................. .............................
End of Added Puzzle
.................................................. .............................
Continue through the hallway and traps until you finally make it to the Center

Go to the eye shaped thing at the other end of the room and there will be a

.................................................. .............................
.................................................. .............................
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