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Playstation Portable Console portable, sortie en 2005 (PSP), 2007 (PSP Slim & Lite), 2008 (PSP 3000), 2009 (PSP Go), 2011 (PSP Street)

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Vieux 19/04/2006, 14h29   #1 (permalink)
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Salut à tous !!
Il y a quelques instants, je viens de jouer à Monster Hunter (en jap malheureusement ) et franchement... trop bon !!
L'intro est nikel chrom, le game play est sympa et l'ambiance bien top!! Vivement une sortie Europe ( qui est por bientot je crois ? 12 mai me semble t-il ?)
Avis aux amateurs d' Heroïc-fantasy Rpg...

Psp 1001-k
FW 1.50
MS 2 Go
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Vieux 19/04/2006, 14h30   #2 (permalink)
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Vieux 19/04/2006, 14h31   #3 (permalink)
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Nan, pas encore essayé...
Psp 1001-k
FW 1.50
MS 2 Go
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Vieux 19/04/2006, 14h40   #4 (permalink)
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faut dire que Xlink y'a au moin plus de 230 joueurs -_-' un succes quand meme ^^
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Vieux 19/04/2006, 14h42   #5 (permalink)
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Psp 1001-k
FW 1.50
MS 2 Go
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Vieux 19/04/2006, 15h54   #6 (permalink)
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moi je cherche trop une cle usb compatible pour y jouer
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Vieux 19/04/2006, 16h06   #7 (permalink)
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Je profite de ce topic pour re-poster ceci (le guide des premières quètes pour ce jeu) trouvé sur un forum anglophone :

TO GIVE ITEMS TO THE MAN, GO TO THE HUT, PRESS START, SELECT page 1, 1st selection!! and then select the third one, make the quantity 2 then select the first.

===================================* Quests=====================================
Quest 1: \"Basics: Raw Meat\"
Objective: Snag two Pieces of Raw Meat
Boss: None
Area: Forest and Hills

(This is also the 1st Urgent in the game.)
This one\'s really simple. Collect the items from the blue chest. Now run out to
Area 1. Kill one of the \'herbies\', and carve them twice. The carves will either
give raw meat or sm monster bone. Once you\'ve gathered the two pieces, just head
back and hand them in. Done deal.

Quest 2: \"Basics: Preparing Meat\"
Objective: Deliver 1 Well-Done Steak.
Boss: None
Area: Forest and Hills

All right, this is where it gets a tad annoying. That is, until you learn how
to do it. You have to get a BBQ spit (they supply one this quest), and you need
raw meat. You select the BBQ spit, hit Square and if you have the meat, you\'ll
start to cook it. Now, you\'ll hear that little jingle. As soon as the music
stops wait until your character turns the handle a quarter circle then hit [].
If done right, you hear \"MMM Looks Tasty!\" (in Japanese). Hand it in, relax
and kick up your feet. This quest is over.

Quest 3: \"Basics: Gathering Items\"
Objective: Gather 2 Herbs and 1 Spider Web
Boss: None
Area: Forest and Hills

If you buy these items before hand, the quest is practically over. However,
if you don\'t have them all ready, head to area 6, climb up all the way and
grab the webs. (Herbs are found all over.) Head back and hand them in.

Quest 4: Basics: \"Combining Items\"
Objective: Combine two herbs and two blue mushrooms to hand in 2 potions
Boss: None
Area: Forest and Hills

This one can actually be done as soon as you start (providing you have the
items on hand). Simply press start, go to \'combine\'(2nd option down) select
an herb and a blue mushroom. This will make a potion. Make another one and
hand both in. (However, if you don\'t have them run to area 8 and pick the
items right off the ground.) Congratulations, you\'re on your way to becoming
a MHG hunter.

Quest 5: \"Basics: Fishing\"
Objective: Catch one Sushi Fish
Boss: None
Area: Forest and Hills

Grab the bait from the box. Run to area 11, you\'ll see a bullfango. Kill it
and DON\'T LEAVE THE AREA. If you do, you\'ll have to kill it again. Now,
you\'ll see a little pond (shown in the little intro movie), select the bait
and cast it in. Wait for the fish to snag the line and hit []. Keep doing
this until you\'ve captured a Sushi Fish, then just hand it in.

Quest 6: \"You\'re First Monster Hunt!\"
Objective: Slay Three Velociprey (blue raptors)
Boss: 3 Velociprey
Area: Forest and Hills
Grab the items from the box, run out and take the short cut to area 8.
You\'ll see a little movie. After that, get your weapon ready, and run to the
right. You\'ll see one waiting for you, plaster him then kill the one next to
him. Climb up the ledge to beat on the last one. Carving them isn\'t important
but you can work on some armor with their materials.

Quest 7: \"Special Mushrooms\"
Objective: Collect 7 Special Mushrooms
Boss: None
Area: Forest and Hills
Snag your stuff and run to area 8. Check the mushrooms in that area and kill
some of the mosswine. You should have atleast 3 special mushrooms. From there
run to area 10. Head to the mushroom spot bewteen the tree and the East side of
the pond. You might have all of your mushrooms. Head back if you do. If you

Head to area 3 and check near the phalic rock. Head to area 9 and look in the
bushes near the Eastern corner (as if you came in from area 3). If for some
reason the game screw you over, kill Mossine for the rest of your mushies.

Quest 8: \" Bring me Kelbi Horns for the Festival\"
Objective: Hand in 5 Kelbi Horns
Boss: None
Area: Forest and hills
Ok people, stop spaming my email now. God, make one slip up on a BASIC quest
and everyone gets all pissy. The deer are Kelbi, kill them for horns. The end.

Quest 9: \"Bring Me An Egg!\"
Objective: Deliver ONE Wyvern Egg.
Boss: Rathalos
Area: Forest and Hills
All right. This is the first carrying quest. I highly suggest you take the tail
off of that Rathalos; as Los parts will be at a high rarity at this point of the
game. You don\'t need to, so if you want to play it safe, just read below.

Head to area 4. A movie will start. Rathlos makes his appearence and the game
obviously wants you to see that he\'s nothing to mess with... Yet. Paint him and
head to area 5. Grab an egg, roll and kill the velociprey in the area. Head to
area 2 and kill off the Velociprey*. Now, your path is clear (outside of the
angry wyvern anyway...) Run back and grab your egg. Be sure to watch your
stamina, because if you deplete it all... *drop\" -_-\'. So what your bar.

Now, run out of area 5 via the passage to 4 (area 6 is blocked off). Watch out
for the Vespoid that automatically lunges forward when you enter the area. Make
a sharp left turn and DON\'T run when you jump down the first of mini-ledges.

Now just run through the rest of the trek ahead of you with your egg in tote,
just watch out for the Rathalos along the way. Your ******** safe point is at
area 1, where los and other trouble making enemies won\'t be.

*Note: You may run into some white prey here, kill them and get their parts*
PS : c'est en anglais comme vous l'aurez constaté mais c'est déjà plus compréhensilbe que le japonais
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Vieux 19/04/2006, 16h08   #8 (permalink)
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Vieux 19/04/2006, 16h11   #9 (permalink)
Gamer toujours !
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
Localisation: Nord (59)
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Et c'est une jeu à la Dynastie Warriors ?
Parce que je connais pas trop

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Link14 - La collection, PS3 et compagnie

Profil PSN :
Link14_fr - Si seulement je pouvais bien bosser en cours au lieu de jouer...
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Vieux 19/04/2006, 16h14   #10 (permalink)
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Dynastie Warriors ? c'est le jeu ou tu as 50 énemis qui t'ataque en même temps ?
Non si c'est ça..Monster Hunter c'est pas pareil : C'est du style tu vas dans une auberge ou tu parle à un gars pour obtenir des quètes et après tu doit faire la quètes dans des vastes étendues (forêt/déserts/...) avec des "monstres" qui sont plutot des dinosaures (du style tu doit tuer un dino herbivore pour prendre de la viande sur lui et la ramener à un gars...)
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