! This works !!!! Thanks so much for that !!!
I used the Infected PRXs
For the noobs out there, here is exactly what I did:
* Extract the PE5 ISO with WinRAR to a specific folder
* Go to this folder, and remove the SYSDIR/UPDATE folder
* Go to USRDIR and remove all the languages you dont want (I kept e_text.afs for English, deleted the other)
* Copy the SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN to your PSP, in a folder called "Enc" at the Root
* Copy the 2 folders decrypt and decrypt% (from the rar) into your PSP/GAME folder
* Run the decrypt program from the PSP (obviously, you have to be in 1.5 for that)
* This produces a EBOOT.BIN file in a new folder called "Dec"
* rename this file into BOOT.BIN
* Overwrite the original BOOT.BIN in SYSDIR with this file
* Overwrite all the prx files in the USRIR folder with the ones from another game that works in 1.5 (I used Infected)
* Launch UMDGen or VCDROMx and rebuild the ISO
* Copy it to your memory stick
* Run UMDEmu in copy load mode (with use boot.bin on)
* Enjoy!!!
Aenea, hats off to you the new Humma Kavula "