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Playstation Portable Console portable, sortie en 2005 (PSP), 2007 (PSP Slim & Lite), 2008 (PSP 3000), 2009 (PSP Go), 2011 (PSP Street)

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Vieux 26/02/2007, 19h56   #31 (permalink)
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Envoyé par Ac_K Voir le message
Yeah !!! Content pour toi =) !!
J'comprend un peu mieux l'IdStorage ^^ Je me renseigne depuis tous à l'heure dessus !!

Tu demande le lien mais tu as poster un truc y'as pas longtemp :
T'es bizarre un peu ...

Ou y'as celui la ->

Enfin bon si ca marche c'est le principal ! Heureux de t'avoir aider !
Oui je sais mais je pensais que y'en avais d'autres
Bon ba merci ^^
Sinan,qu'as tu apris sur l'idstorage
PSP FAT WHITE 3.71 M33 + PSP FAT BLACK 3.52 M33 + PSP SLIM 3.71 + MS 512MB + MS 1GO + MS 2GO
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Vieux 26/02/2007, 20h06   #32 (permalink)
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Avec tous ca tu devrais pouvoir comprendre !! Y'as de la lecture =) !!
PSP v2.0 -> v1.5 -> CFW 3.40 OE-A by Dark_AleX

My Projects :
- ReCreate IcOns_303 v2
- PRXInfo v0.2
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Vieux 27/02/2007, 00h49   #33 (permalink)
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Désoler pour le Double Post mais c'est pour Upper le Topic !!
Biensur c'est pour du bien parce que je reviens avec une news de Fanjita:

Written by Fanjita Monday, 26 February 2007

After using the downgrader, some people have had problems with their screen brightness. This article explains why, and what you can do about it.

The problem seems to occur only for recent TA-082 / TA-086 PSPs, that came originally with firmware 2.71 or later.
The problem is that Sony changed the display hardware in some of the recent PSPs, and the firmware needs to be aware of how to handle that.
This means that if you run a lower firmware than v2.71, then the display isn't given the right brightness signals. Where normally you would see a bright screen, and it would go dark after a while of not pressing any keys, now it is normally dark, and goes bright if you don't press anything for a couple of minutes.

The best fix is obviously to install a firmware that can control the display correctly. Fortunately the OE firmwares, e.g. 3.10 OE, will do this. The only drawback is that, when running homebrew in the 1.5 kernel mode, you will get the old screen behaviour. But you should be able to work around this by pressing the 'screen' button a few times.

It's also possible, for advanced users, to make a hybrid firmware that will use the later screenhandling code in the 1.50 kernel mode of OE.

For lots more technical information, there's an excellent thread in the forums, here.
Source :
PSP v2.0 -> v1.5 -> CFW 3.40 OE-A by Dark_AleX

My Projects :
- ReCreate IcOns_303 v2
- PRXInfo v0.2
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Vieux 27/02/2007, 11h13   #34 (permalink)
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A ce que je comprend y'a pas vraiment moyen,sauf avec les prx du 2.70,parcontre à un moment,il cite le 3.10OE comme étant un firmware qui pourrais corriger ça...
PSP FAT WHITE 3.71 M33 + PSP FAT BLACK 3.52 M33 + PSP SLIM 3.71 + MS 512MB + MS 1GO + MS 2GO
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