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Playstation Portable Console portable, sortie en 2005 (PSP), 2007 (PSP Slim & Lite), 2008 (PSP 3000), 2009 (PSP Go), 2011 (PSP Street)

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Vieux 23/09/2007, 20h49   #1 (permalink)
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3.71M33 disponible

baaaaaaaaaaaang :
Official Announcement

3.71M33 Released. It will be our last but one release.
In the near future, it will be released a Slim&&Fat Unbricker, and a 1.50kernel patch

First of all, thanks for all your donations.
It's time to make the Scene think into what has it turned.
NOW you can look for guilty ones.

And, to finish, greetings to and all the ones that have helped us in this crusade.

M33 == Dark_AleX

Our Releases

>>PSP 3.71 M33<<
source : M33 = D_A

plus rapide que pspgen sur ce coup-ci & tous les autres sites d'actus psp - hahahaha -

fin de la team M33 (!?) & la nouvelle extrêmement hallucinante : M33 == Dark_AleX (hihihi) j'avoue que je me perds un peu là dans tout çà ... mais bon ... tirez-en une bonne leçon !

EDIT à la demande de feng_shui :
Vous devez disposer d'une PSP:
_ Fat en 3.52 M33-3 ou -4 (n'essayez pas les versions antèrieures, ça ne marchera pas).
_ Slim en 3.60 M33
Si vous avez une Fat, n'oubliez pas de mettre le kernel en 3.XX (Recovery Mode).
____ ?

Dernière modification par phenometal ; 25/09/2007 à 21h48.
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Vieux 23/09/2007, 20h51   #2 (permalink)
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putain t'assure mec tu pourrais pas l'uploader s'il te plait
Edit:c'est bon pas besoin de s'enregistrer j'ai réussi a l'avoir
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Vieux 23/09/2007, 20h53   #3 (permalink)
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Salut merci de la news mec

ps!momo le fichier que ta dl s'appel bien release.rar ??


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Vieux 23/09/2007, 20h55   #4 (permalink)
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c'est parti :p
PSP Firmware 4.01 M33-2 By D_A + MS 2go Sony High Speed + Chotto Shot Made in Japan

Modo | Section Windows Trust - ;-)

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Vieux 23/09/2007, 20h55   #5 (permalink)
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ils ont finis leur gros caca nerveux es ruskofs ??

le voici le 3.71 M33
zSHARE - 371_m33.rar

Changes in 3.71 M33:

- Now uses 3.71

- VSH Menu is not longer launched using HOME key, but using SELECT now. This is to not

interfere with the XMB function of home, which is now more useful in this firmware.

- Psp Slim: umdcache was allocating memory even when homebrew was launched, wasting

memory that homebrew programs may want to use. Now umdcache module is stopped before

it can allocate any memory, only in the case homebrew is launched.

Also, memory is unprotected for user memory usage by M33 core (only when homebrew is launched).

Developer, for a sample of how to use the extra memory, see the extra ram sample of the M33 sdk.

- Both version boot now from 3.XX ipl, and are independent of 1.50.

The main installer will not install 1.50 kernel anymore.

A 1.50 kernel addon for 3.71 M33 that will install inside 3.71 M33 will be released in a

few days (for fat only)

Note: due to some changes in kernel nids by Sony, you can expect a lot of kernel plugins not working anymore.

Programmers: refer to the sdk readme for details.

Installation instructions:

First method for both psp, the prefered when possible:

Requeriments: a fat psp slim with 3.52 M33-3 or 3.52 M33-4. Previous versions of M33 won't work,

due to a bug that affects them and OE; or a psp slim with 3.60 M33.

- Copy the UPDATE directory into /PSP/GAME/UPDATE and copy the EBOOT.PBP of the 3.71 Sony updater

there but with name "371.PBP". Note: the program will not even show if you copy it to a different folder than that.

- If you are in the fat psp, make sure you have configured the psp to run the game folder in the 3.XX kernel.

- Execute the program, it requires 78% of battery. If you have idstorage corrupted due to a downgrader, the program

will ask you to correct it automatically so the update can continue.

- Press X, and the Sony updater will begin. Sit and enjoy while Sony code installs 3.71 M33

- When finished, the updater will ask you to reboot (pressing X or O). DO IT. Do not skip this step

shutting down the psp by yourself, or you'll end with a brick.

- You should be now in 3.71 M33

Unbricker for both psp slim&fat and 1.50 kernel installer for fat 3.71 M33, will be released in few days... and it will be last thing from me.
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Vieux 23/09/2007, 20h55   #6 (permalink)
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oui c'est bien sa c'est une update plus besoin de la pandora par contre dite moi que les saves marche si j'upgrade j'attend vos impression avant de le faire
power oui c'est bien sa
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Vieux 23/09/2007, 20h56   #7 (permalink)
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youhou ! sa va ils nous auront pas fais patientez bien longtemps ^^

meme si jai pas tout compris : est ce la fin de M33 ? M33 et D-A serait les memes personne ? M33==D-A

Bon attendons d'en savoir plus avant d'upgrader !
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Vieux 23/09/2007, 20h57   #8 (permalink)
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OK merci ps: je suis en 3.52m33-2 je peut up directe ?? et ps2: quoi de neuf dans l'up dock ?

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Vieux 23/09/2007, 20h58   #9 (permalink)
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c'est quoi sa

- Both version boot now from 3.XX ipl, and are independent of 1.50
Edit:j'attend avant d'upgrade parce que si les saves marche plus je serait bien degouter
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Vieux 23/09/2007, 20h59   #10 (permalink)
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Sa sent le FAKE sa mais sa serais sorti pspgen en parlerait non ?
PS3 Slim 4.46 Dex 1To Multiman 4.55.00

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