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Playstation 3 Console de salon, sortie en 2006 (PS3), 2009 (PS3 Slim), 2012 (PS3 Ultra Slim)

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Vieux 24/10/2008, 09h33   #21 (permalink)
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La reconstructin de BDD ça se fait a partir des données presentes sur le HDD ... pas besoin d'autre support donc ça a la limite tu peut test

La restauration de firmware que ça soit l'un ou l'autre de toute maniere qu'est-ce que tu risque a essayer ?
Hello IT ... Have you tried to turn it off and on again ? ... The button on the side, is it glowing ? ... Yeah you need to turn it on ! ... The button turns it on ? ... You DO know how a button works don't you ! ?
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Vieux 24/10/2008, 09h45   #22 (permalink)
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La restauration de firmware que ça soit l'un ou l'autre de toute maniere qu'est-ce que tu risque a essayer ?
Oui, c'est sûr. Je lui demandé de stocker le tout dans un disque dur externe, et de tenter les différentes options pour restaurer son firmware.

Je vous tiens informé sur l'utilité des différents menu du mode recovery !
XBOX360 : Nepto123
PSN : Nepto

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Vieux 24/10/2008, 10h06   #23 (permalink)
Hasheeparmentier FTW!
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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Un article intéressant de CJPC (ps3news) sur ce menu recovery:

Lets go over the options available. For those who can not read French, from top to bottom:

1. Restart System
2. Restore Default Settings
3. Restore File System
4. Rebuild Database
5. Restore PS3 System
6. System Update

Restart System and System update are quite self explanatory, you can restart the system or upgrade the PS3's firmware. No, downgrading does not work. The Rest of the functions are a tad more interesting, but not too much.

The majority of the functions can be accessed in the XMB, like Restart System, Restore Default System, Restore PS3 System and System Update. But, those few that are not in the XMB are not anything special.

The File System is, you guessed it, the HDD's file system. File system's do go bad, anyone who has ever used a computer knows this. The PS3 does have an automatic fsck (For Windows users, think Scandisk), that does run, but even fsck can't fix everything. Now, its a lot cheaper to have a user, in home, fix the problem then having the PS3 shipped in.

The same goes for the database, its stored on the HDD. I've run into this problem quite a few times downgrading to 1.00, adding content to the db and then directly upgrading to 2.4, the database becomes corrupt, and it can't be repaired.

Since the XMB is inaccessible, most users would call Sony, and then get a RMA. Other, smarter users will pull the HDD, erasing all the data (and games!) on it, and will be up and running again. This option prevents the RMA, just call the repair line, get a few buttons to press, and you are up and running again!

A special menu like this is needed since any corruption of the HDD/Filesystem/Database will result in a console that can not be fixed by the average user, short of a HDD format. So, it is a great idea to have added in. But, as you recall in our last Dev post since the flash files are now actually stored on the HDD, the risk of the system becoming unbootable increases.

This menu just cuts down costs, less units shipped back to Sony for repair for these trivial matters. Anyone recall the special key combo used on the Xbox 360 to clear the system cache? Similar in principle.

However, the REAL Service Mode for the PS3 works nothing like this, but more on that soon!
Don't underestimate the power of the delaystation! This is lagging!

"Hallo! Ich bin Rodolf! Como esta ...dans la casa?"
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Nepto (24/10/2008)
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