De toute façon, il est pas destiné à GTAIV ce FW...
I just want to clarify that this upcoming firmware update isn’t related to GTA IV. For those of you who may still have an issue playing the game on your PS3, we have identified a solution that should resolve the issue. You can contact SCEA Consumer Services for support — their contact info and hours of service, as well as more information on this issue, are available in our Knowledge Center (
I just wanted to give everyone a quick heads up that a PS3 firmware update (v2.35) will be released shortly. This is a relatively minor update to improve stability of some PS3 titles.
Mineure de chez mineure la MAJ.
Source: playstation blog
Don't underestimate the power of the delaystation! This is lagging!
"Hallo! Ich bin Rodolf! Como esta ...dans la casa?"
Ca fait 1 an que cette rumeur dure en fait... Deja que la derniere maj du Store , c'est vraiment pas ca ( l'euphémisme ..), si la prochaine maj du FW ne contient pas le XMB ingame , seule chose que demande les joueur depuis belle lurette, le blog US de SONY risque de prendre feu
ya aussi la lecture et envois de message ingame qui serait bien!
Moi je trouve que ya que ça ki manque.
Ah si, la liste des amis in game aussi (un peu comme dans GTA4 via le portable)
... le XMB in game quoi!
Voici les rumeurs (du 18/05 puis d'hier):
Hey its me, whoelse again! Before I start, I need to say one thing. All of the following information has come from an insider I am in contact with and nothing is ’set in stone’. Plans often change, especially when it involves Sony. If any of the information is wrong, its because those plans have changed and not because it was made up.
My insider details the following probable features in 2.40:
Access to XMB chat features from any PS3 game.
XMB Trophies where around 70% of current titles will support them straight away
Video Coding and ‘groundwork’ for a future Movie Store (Out Sept)
Although my insider says 2.40 should arrive before MGS4 comes out (June 12th), there is abs-olutely no certainty that all of the above features will make it into this update and instead they may be spread into various future updates.
On a final note, online co-op for Super Stardust HD maybe in the works.
source maxconsole/playstationlifestyle
Rumor: In-game XMB coming this June with Firmware Update 2.40
We've finally received word that the long awaited, and much rumored, PlayStation 3 Firmware Update 2.40 is indeed the real deal and is said to be coming relatively soon. Many of the most requested features, such as a universal friends list and in-game messaging will be included, in addition to a few rather nice surprises (*cough*soundtracks*cough*). We definitely can't divulge all of the details, but trust us, it's coming.
We aren't yet 100% sure of the actual release date, but all signs point to sometime in June. We're guesing that Sony will probably detail 2.40 in the coming weeks
source gaming-age
Depuis le temps qu'ils sont censés bosser dessus, ce que je veux c'est juste une partie de l'XMB in game (osef d'ecouter de la musique en jouant), la liste amis psn et les messages.
parce que se retaper le temps de chargeent de gta pour répondre à quelqu'un.... puis à un moment risquer de ne plus pouvoir rerentrer online... c'est chiant.
Don't underestimate the power of the delaystation! This is lagging!
"Hallo! Ich bin Rodolf! Como esta ...dans la casa?"
Dernière modification par Colonello ; 30/05/2008 à 12h05.