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Playstation 3 Console de salon, sortie en 2006 (PS3), 2009 (PS3 Slim), 2012 (PS3 Ultra Slim)

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Vieux 23/05/2007, 23h58   #1 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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Par défaut Rumeurs back-up sur ps3 avec video de team paradox

voila le lien de la video qui montre le back-up sur ps3 de team paradox YouTube - FERROX PS3 BOOTLOADER
mais l'equipe à démantie et voila :
Well where should I start? Seems there have been a large number of LEECHERS moaning about our lack of 'special notes' or the fact we haven't released a 'loader' for PS3 titles - something which I feel is bang out of order since none of you <f*ckwits >have the slightest idea of what is involved to produce this.

We have been working on something for a while in which yes we have dropped some hints in some areas not for you to think 'the loader will be released soon' - more so we've hit a stumbling block lets see if anyone else can help get us past this stumbling block - Something which had worked previously for other problems. But what do I see now? We give a great big pat on the back to someone who did a great job for a similar thing on the PSP and he has the nerve to have a go at US! NO Alej... P. B. we dont need help from outside, if we need help we will ask it directly to the person!
Not with the help of a simple txt messages which is public! We rather play a match of football against you on your brother stadium name.. then some kind of lame war! Respect to you! And not to a friend who thinks hes god! Even we are not GODS!

So.....where are we now?? Quite simply another stumbling block. We've been happly chugging along getting nice progress then got a PAL PS3 and found it didnt work like it supposed to be! - seems PAL is different in some ways, and no we know peoples will think all firmwares are the same, so why would there be a different? simple answer "Hardware". So were now trying to work on a solution to this.

So an ETA on this??? Could anyone please measure a piece of string!! All we can say is it will be ready when its ready. Were not the type of group that releases shoddy goods so sit back and give us the time required to sort it.

And to all those <b*tching >in forums STFU - if you wanna <b*tch >write your own - oh sorry forgot your thick as <fcuk >and your knowledge is limited to FTP downloads and WinRAR.....

And need to remember we dont always hang around as the boss/PDX or whatever but what you don't realize is without us you wouldn't have been able to get to where you are today.

From PDX Console Leader

salut all
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Vieux 24/05/2007, 01h01   #2 (permalink)
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T'es un peu a la boure pour la vidéo...Même beaucoup a la boure...
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Vieux 24/05/2007, 01h27   #3 (permalink)
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Merci pour l'info !!! Dommage, que ça date déjà de deux mois !!

De plus, FERROX et PARADOX, c'est completement different...

Allez les modos, au boulot !
Regen est déconnecté  
Vieux 24/05/2007, 03h53   #4 (permalink)
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pour instant mm si paradox a de bonne rlz en warez mais pour moi c'est pareille les deux sont de vulgaire fake si pdx avait une preuve il devrait nous la montré clairement
PS3 FW:2.80 EUR + MOD Power-Swap

VIVE Subaru-san ^^ no da ^^ ahhhahaha
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Vieux 24/05/2007, 06h04   #5 (permalink)
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Avatar de anthony123
Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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D'une part on est déjà au courant depuis longtemp ... mais en plus Paradox et FERROX sont des gros mitho !
Car si leur loader existait vraiment il on cas nous pondre une vidéo !

Enfin personne n'y croi a tout ses loader et puis a quoi sa sert tu compte quand même pas mettre un jeux de plus de 20 go dans ton disque dur !

Enfin quoi qu'il en soit Modo a vous de jouer ! (lockage)


Heureux acquéreur d'une
- 3DS F/w 2.1.0-3E
- PSP F/w 6.00
- PS3 F/w 3.60 + 95 jeux
- Xbox360 F/w iXtrem 1.5 (vieux.. oui)
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Vieux 24/05/2007, 06h13   #6 (permalink)
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Mais c'est genial ( lol )
PS2 : faille ps1 hdd 160Go
PS3: FAT 60 Go (Jour J) => 320 Go + Kmeaw 3.55
PSP slim: CF 4.01 m33 2
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