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Playstation 3 Console de salon, sortie en 2006 (PS3), 2009 (PS3 Slim), 2012 (PS3 Ultra Slim)

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Vieux 29/06/2008, 10h49   #1 (permalink)
Bernard Tapette
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Par défaut Playstation EDGE (Firm 2.40, Trophées, etc ...)

En espérant que ça ne soit pas un fake


LOS ANGELES, June 29, 2008 - Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) announced today the roll out specifications for PlayStation EDGE on the PlayStation 3 video game system, (PS3™), a free additon to the PlayStation Network. PlayStation EDGE is scheduled to be launched in North America at the end of July 2008, followed by the Japanese and European launches in the fall of 2008.

PlayStatio Edge comes with a seamless integration into the already widely popular PlayStation Network® and will allow PlayStation®3 owners to use their trophies earned to receive free gifts and discounts on PlayStation Network by going to the PlayStation EDGE panel located in the PlayStation Store. Trophies may be accumulated by playing games and meeting the required critieria, 50 points will be rewarded for a platinum trophies, 30 for gold, 20 for silver and 10 for bronze. Rewards will be given out in exchange for trophies accumulated via playthrough.Due to this, a new feature has been included with firmware 2.4 whereby game saves will be tied to the console and be non transferrable in order to create fairness. Once enough trophy points are accumulated for a chosen item, players points will be automatically tallied and deducted via PlayStation Network and the item shipped out or debited straight to your account if it is a digital reward such as a discount or free download. All of these features can be enjoyed on one single system with multiple accounts, although saves will be tied to accounts.

PlayStation EDGE looks to improve the connection between gamers and spur exciting contests whereby players will be rewarded in game for accomplishing tasks, and also translate it into the real world in the form of free rewards. Rewards will vary from limited items to discounts or bonuses on the PlayStation Store.

Recognized as the global leader and company responsible for the progression of consumer-based computer entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) manufacturers, distributes and markets the PlayStation® game console and PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system. PlayStation has revolutionized home entertainment by introducing advanced 3D graphic processing, and PlayStation 3 further enhances the PlayStation legacy as the core of home networked entertainment. SCEI, along with its subsidiary divisions Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd., and Sony Computer Entertainment Korea Inc. develops, publishes, markets and distributes software, and manages the third party licensing programs for these platforms in the respective markets worldwide. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. is an independent business unit of the Sony Group.
Ca s'annonce sympa pour les joueurs ça

Les sauvegardes ne seront du coup plus transferables.
StarCraft II ça trou le cul!!!
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Vieux 29/06/2008, 10h58   #2 (permalink)
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Bye bye l'échange de sauvegardes

NDS Lite White + R4DS
XBOX 360 Elite Flashée
PS3 60GB Black
PSP Slim Ice Silver EUR 3.71 M33-3
SONY LCD 46W4000
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Vieux 29/06/2008, 10h59   #3 (permalink)
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sa serai pas mal d'avoir des ptits cadeau sur le psn, pour les sauvegardes non transférables sa motivera ptêtre plus les joueurs à débloquer les choses eux-mêmes
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Vieux 29/06/2008, 11h31   #4 (permalink)
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Après faut voir si c'est viable comme système, je veux dire pas gagner un truc tous les 36 du mois quoi
Bit my shiny metal ass.
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Vieux 29/06/2008, 11h50   #5 (permalink)
Bernard Tapette
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à voir aussi si c'est pas un fake ..
StarCraft II ça trou le cul!!!
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Vieux 29/06/2008, 14h41   #6 (permalink)
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sa serai pas mal d'avoir des ptits cadeau sur le psn, pour les sauvegardes non transférables sa motivera ptêtre plus les joueurs à débloquer les choses eux-mêmes
Ouai car marre d'etre le fournisseur officiel de save ps3 sur méta ...

Sinon j'ai trop rien piger a ta citation Bad ... no english plz ...
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Vieux 29/06/2008, 16h55   #7 (permalink)
Bernard Tapette
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de toute façon c'est un fake :triste:
StarCraft II ça trou le cul!!!
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Vieux 29/06/2008, 17h27   #8 (permalink)
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Envoyé par bad wolf Voir le message
de toute façon c'est un fake :triste:
Sûr ? :reflexiomo6: Dommage...
Bit my shiny metal ass.
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Vieux 29/06/2008, 17h33   #9 (permalink)
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A mon avis , c'est un gros fake ... Deja, rien que de penser fait que SONY vous offres des réductions via les trophées etc, c'est pour moi un paradoxe total XDDD . Et le fait de bloquer les sauvegardes , totalement ridicule....

Ca fera comme sur 360 en fait, les succes qui servent a exploiter mieux le jeu ou essayer de realiser des defis particuliers dans les jeux , le truc sympa et qui est la pour faire joli comme sur 360 mais qui en somme ne sert a rien ...

Au fait c'est demain la soit disant la video de presentation du fw 2.40 , j'ai hate de voir ca...
XBOX360™ JTAG Jasper256Mo FreeBoot 2.0.13599.0
Playstation® 3 Slim HDD250Go Fw 3.55 Kmeaw

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Vieux 29/06/2008, 17h42   #10 (permalink)
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éventuellement on aura du mobilier pour le home gratos selon le trophée... mais sinon j'y crois po.
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