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Playstation 3 Console de salon, sortie en 2006 (PS3), 2009 (PS3 Slim), 2012 (PS3 Ultra Slim)

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Vieux 12/01/2006, 14h38   #71 (permalink)
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Bien joué Samir94 pour le lien .

PS :Mort de rire quand la journaliste interview un représentant LG sur le stand concernant le plasma 102" Full-HD en 1080p et qu'il lui annonce le prix...70 000 $.
\" Je ne parle pas aux cons , ça les instruit \" ( Audiard )

\" L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit \" (Aristote)
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Vieux 13/01/2006, 13h05   #72 (permalink)
Bernard Tapette
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petit article interessant sur le CELL :

"The good news: Some designers say creating games for Cell is far less complicated than writing for PlayStation 2. "Anyone who worked on the PlayStation 2 is jumping for joy," says Jeremy Gordon, chief executive of Secret Level, a gamemaker in San Francisco that is remaking a classic 1980s Sega videogame for the new Sony box."

un autre démenti sur les apparente difficultés de programmation de la PS3 :
les développeurs s'étant déjà essayé à la ps2 ne devraient pas avoir de problèmes majeurs à développer sur ps3, à venir : un remake d'une licence SEGA des années 80

Petit commentaire d'IBM:

"For Microsoft's Xbox 360, IBM linked three Power cores. But even these multicore chips will not be powerful enough to drive the next wave, Kahle argues. Cell needed an entirely new design."

le Xenos c'est bien, mais le CELL c'est mieux
StarCraft II ça trou le cul!!!
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Vieux 13/01/2006, 13h30   #73 (permalink)
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Not that it should come as any big surprise, but Sony, Toshiba, and IBM
 announced that they're extending their pact developing the Cell processor for another 5 years, what's obviously practically an eternity in chip-making terms. 
Apparently the triumvirate's got some ambitious
 goals to meet -- like hitting the fabled 30 nanometer mark -- and none of them seem to want to go it alone
 at this point in the game (understandably),
perhaps especially Sony, who is probably banking on the Cell to power its PlayStations for generations to come. Still, Sony, Toshiba: right hand, meet left. 
That is, you've got to find at least a little irony in these two giants up in here, so ready to tear one anothers' throats out on one front (next gen optical -- i.e. HD DVD vs. Blu-ray -- and the hi def living room), yet are being so kissy kissy nice n' gentle on the other.
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Vieux 24/01/2006, 08h52   #74 (permalink)
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Vous trouverez ici le photo-reportage complet du CES 2006 avec touts les intervenants (plus de 110 stands et 1400 photos ).

\" Je ne parle pas aux cons , ça les instruit \" ( Audiard )

\" L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit \" (Aristote)
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