" be je comprends pas j'ai continué plus loin dans le jeu et il tourne sans bug "
Messieurs les privilégiés, utilisateurs de ToxicOS dernière version, vous êtes priés de ne pas faire les naïfs, et d'avoir le triomphe modeste !!!
Et quand vous aurez installé la prochaine version de Toxic OS avec DEV4, Action Replay, FTP et File Browser intégrés, prière de ne pas trop nous narguer, et d'avoir un peu pitié des pauvres prolétaires comme nous...
ToxicBIOS changes:
Problems booting some DVD games while DVD DL autopatch is enabled have been resolved.
Problems booting some DVD movies while the modchip is enabled have been resolved.
ToxicOS changes:
Addition of the "Dev.olution Flash" boot mode. This allows you to copy an ELF file of your choice to the DMS4 flash and have this ELF loaded when your console boots by either holding R2 or setting the default boot mode.
The integrated cheat device has been added (similar capabilities to Action Replay etc)
Support for selecting your own wallpaper for the ToxicOS GUI.
Support for launching homebrew ELF files stored on any supported storage medium.
Integrated FTP server for transferring files in between PS2 and PC via network.
Common file browser has been added and is used in several places to select files, ie selecting wallpaper, selecting devolution ELF. The file browser supports several storage mediums including memory card, cdrom, HDD and usb mass storage.
Improved compatibility when running games from the HDD.
Black screen after PSX game bug has been fixed.
Miscellaneous bugfixes.
Added diagnostic screens displaying HDD and system information.
All ToxicBIOS changes are also included.