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O2 has a flash memory with 512 KB. There is 4 bank:
- 64kb for recovery
- 64kb application for patching
- 380kb for other applications
- 4kb for settings
This code is used to program the flash. There is not patch enabled in
this mode so ps2 is like a retail ps2. However CDX (audio disc) is enabled
to load applications. Recovery will be able to:
1) Boot applications from CDX to update patchs
2) Boot applications from MC to update patchs
3) Backup and recovery pathc from MC
4) Backup and recovery applications in flash from MC
Application for patching:
This code makes the main job. You can configure chip modes, configure
the chip and boot applications.
There is 2 boot modes availables:
Mode 1: If there is a disc in the unit,AUTOMATIC mode or PS2 mode is
executed(user can choose it in the settings). If there is not a dics
inside a PAD is displayed in the screen showing diferent modes
Mode 2: A PAD is displayed in the screen and the user can choose the
right mode or it will go to AUTOMATIC or PS2 mode
Mode descriptions:
AUTOMATIC-> Autodetect mode
PSX -> PSX mode for psx games only
PS2 -> PS2 mode for ps2 games only
DVD -> For DVD films only
ORIGINAL-> To boot original only (interesting for DNAS)
MC-> Boot scene applications using Memory Card
O2-> Boot scene applications from flash memory
EXPERT-> Configuration mode
EXPERT mode settings:
-MACRO-RGB FIX (ON/OFF) ->enable/disable macrovision and rgb
-DVD REGION FREE (ON/OFF)-> enable/disable DVD region free(see
-LOGO (ON/OFF) -> Display/disable Logo in games
-AUTODISC MODE (ON/OFF) ->enable/disable autodetection on disc type
-RESET MODE (1/2) -> Choose boot mode 1/2
START button-> Save settings in 4KB enabled for this purpose
NOTE 1: DVD REGION FREE is only for internal ps2 dvd player. If this
is enabled external player(player bundled with sony remote control for
example) will not run.