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Playstation 2 Console de salon, sortie en 2000 (PS2), 2003 (PSX), 2004 (PS2 Slim)

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Vieux 18/08/2005, 14h38   #1 (permalink)
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The Reality MediaPlayer has been made again public in its version pro 2,with many new caracteristics...many of them disabled to see the interest on it...

thankz to a French LAMMER in psx station...By Apolo8

I hope someone is able to translate that post into french as I´m not able to do it...thx...

It´s a SHAME for all of u French People,that a gay called by himself "HACKCHIP"(since now to all the PS2 Scene World "LAMMERCHIP")thinks into the right to change LICENCES for a prog is not his...(LAMMER)...

OK...Now the project is cancelled...:

Publicado: Jue Ago 11, 2005 8:51 pm Asunto: Mediaplayer cancelado definitivamente


El adios definitivo

Decidimos volver y sacar una versión capada del Mediaplayer para comprobar si había cambiado algo y parece ser que no, que esto va a peor, que ya no se respetan ni licencias, ni el trabajo de los demás, pues nada señores ajo y agua.

Dad las gracias a quien tengais que darlas, desde aquí tan sólo decir que si un software es gratuito, no significa que te puedas saltar a la torera las licencias incluidas y faltar al respeto, tanto a los autores como al resto de usuarios del mismo.

Sin más se despide de vosotros el equipo de PS2Reality. Gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo.

All the PS2 Scene World can thank that to a french LAMMER who didn´t know when to ask for permission to the owners to "TRANSLATE IT" as he said...And when to think himself in the right to change LICENSES...for his own...(repeat...BIG SHAME)

Maybe now...when he see "his" COPY...He´ll think his a real HACKER (LAMMER) now...


P.D- I´ll do all possible,for my developments never get public...THANKS TO YOU¡¡¡

(I´m really sorry for the rest of french people)

Un Saludo...

P.D-that post has already been EDITED?/DELETED¡ BY A "MODERATOR" or "ADMINISTRATOR" without SIGNING who did it...One more proove of that SHAME TEAM...called I invite u to tell them what do u think about it into their own Forumz...Even I think they´ll EDIT/DELETE your comments...
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