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Playstation 2 Console de salon, sortie en 2000 (PS2), 2003 (PSX), 2004 (PS2 Slim)

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Vieux 09/05/2005, 18h14   #1 (permalink)
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Ben voila , je veut mettre ma dms3 en mode sleep , pour cela j'appui sur triangle au lancemetn de la console , puis je fait browser , le logo ps2 apparait , puis l'ecran noir !
esque quelqu'un a deja eu à faire à ce probleme ?
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Vieux 09/05/2005, 22h10   #2 (permalink)
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triangle c pour le dev mode 1 sur la mc

c koi mode sleep??? tu parle de ca DISABLE CHIP : hold down the eject button for 1 second or so to disable the chip


PS2 GAMES : hold [X] and power on. (NOTE: The PS2 defaults to this mode if no button is pressed. The default can be reconfigured using the DMS3 configuration screen 
FAST BOOT MODE : hold [SELECT] and power on. (skips ps2 logo to increase boot speed) 
PSX GAMES : hold [O] and power on. 
DVD MOVIES : hold [[]] and power on (square). 
AUDIO CD : although there is no audio CD mode, for best results, the chip should be booted in DISABLE or DVD mode. Some users report skipping if audio cds are played in PS2 mode. 
DEV HDD* : hold [START] and power on. 
DEV MCC* : hold [/\] and power on. 
DISABLE CHIP : hold down the eject button for 1 second or so to disable the chip 
RESET F/W : Power-on the console using reset. When the blue light comes on, press reset. Repeat this procedure 4 times. The firmware will then be reset temporarily for this session. 
ERASE F/W : Insert the upgrade utility disc, and hold R1+R2+L1+L2 during boot-up to erase the flashable portion of the modchip. 
UPGRADE F/W : Burn the appropriate firmware upgrade onto a CDR, and boot it using the PS2 mode [X] 
CONFIG F/W : To access the in-built configuration mode of the DMS3, simply press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 during bootup with no CD in the drive. 
INSTALL H/B : To install a home-brew application to the memory card or hard drive, simply boot the appropriate software CD in the appropriate DEV mode ([START] for HDD, [/\] for MC) and press [SELECT] at the Explorer screen (provided that an appropriate install script is included on the CD)

je c mm pa pourkoi je reponds
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Vieux 10/05/2005, 12h46   #3 (permalink)
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Vieux 10/05/2005, 13h04   #4 (permalink)
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petite rectification avec les dernier bios pour entrer dans le mode config il faut fair L1 uniquement.

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Vieux 12/05/2005, 00h51   #5 (permalink)
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tt a fait d'accord olafe , je le c en plus
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