Je pense qu'il faudrait mettre en avant dans le premier post, l'exploit de roto, étant universel.
de Team Twiizers & roto
SD card (not SHDC) formatted as FAT16 or FAT32
Some possibility to copy the savegame from the PC to the SD card (i.e. card reader)
Lego Star Wars ;-) (you have to boot it at least once before)
Some homebrew software to load, e.g. the HackMii Installer. Although this isn't necessary, it's highly recommended ;-)
(OPTIONAL) If you have an existing "Lego Star Wars" savegame. MOVE it to another SD CARD.
Copy the "private" directory from the Return of the Jodi download to the root of your SD card.
Take your homebrew and put it in the ROOT of your SD card as "boot.elf"
Put your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.
Go into Wii Options -> Data Management -> Save Data -> Wii.
Go to SD card and select the "Return of the Jodi" savegame that corresponds to your game region.
NOTE: Some people are having problems with the Wii not "seeing" the savegame on the SD card. If you are experiencing this, try setting the archive bit for the data.bin file. In Windows this can be either be done from the file's properties dialog (right click on it in Windows Explorer and check the box) or from the command line using "attrib +a <path to data.bin>". More info at #wiihelp on EFnet.
Copy the savegame to the Wii.
Boot Lego Star Wars.
Load the saved game you just copied to the Wii.
Go to the bar on the right and choose the character named "Return of Jodi".
Je prends la peine de le traduire ?
Source :
Par contre l'exploit est open source (code source téléchargeable) même si j'ai rien compris sur le comment l'obtenir >< : La sauvegarde sera donc toujours utilisable ? : par là pas de firmware qui empêche le dépôt sur la Wii (comme Twilight hack)