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Vieux 31/08/2015, 11h41   #1 (permalink)
French frog
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Avatar de ShaoliAss
Date d'inscription: juin 2012
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Par défaut [COMPILATION] AIO Project


Fiche technique :

Nom : AIO Project
Auteur : Berion
Dernière version : 1.3
Date dernière version : 10/10/2014
Catégorie : Compilation
Description : AIO Project - AIO pour All in One - est une compilation regroupant l'ensemble des applications connues à ce jour concernant la PS2 - aussi bien les outils PC (windows/linux/mac) que les apps PS2 (ELFs). De nombreux plans de montage de puce sont également dispo dans l'archive. Le tout catégorisé, rangé, renommé avec précision, avec les sources qd elles sont dispo. Un travail dantesque et impressionnant. Si vous chercher qq chose, vous le trouverez certainement dans cette compil. Important : ne contient aucun fichier proprétaire (cf spoiler concernant la liste des logs non inclus). Une MAJ est prévue cette année.
MD5 : 8B1EE99792568A4EAB0153B21BC72E07
Téléchargement : LIEN

Pour accéder au contenu, télécharger l'archive, dézippez là. Ensuite, 3 solutions :
  1. vous dézippez également l'iso et aurez accès aux fichiers que vous trouverez dans le dossier CONTENTS
  2. vous lancer l'iso depuis OPL, en ayant soin d'indiquer l'ELF de lancement de la compil' - AIO.ELF - en utilisant l'option "Custom ELF" d'OPL (dans ce cas là, vous n'aurez pas la possibilité d'utiliser les outils PC, ni de consulter les plans de montage de puces bien sûr)
  3. vous gravez la compil (sans la patcher) et vous la lancer avec votre puce

Envoyé par README.txt
Welcome, traveler,

before yourself you have an image containing all known to me programs for PS2 scene. All releases are repacks, so they have full names and version numbers. All enter keys were changed from unix-based to windows-based in all text files, so the users of Windows and PS2 could read them with no problems. All names of Readme.txt, 1st_read, read etc. files were changed to "readme.txt" or, if there's more than one language version of the readme, "readme_<language code>.txt". Source code was packed to sources.7z using LZMA2 with no modifications. Applications for platforms other than PlayStation 2(R) were packed, so you need to unpack them before using them (even though some of unpacking applications like WinRaR allows to start application without unpacking the app). Applications for PS2, which were publicated by their authors in non-packed form, gained an "<application name> (packed).elf" suffix.

All of the applications are completely FREE, based on PS2SDK (including the libraries), so completely legal.

If you are an author, of any of the applications included in AIO and you do not wish me to include it, write me a message and I will remove it in next version.
If you have any application that was not included, and which you can't find after reading "software not included.txt", write me a message.
If you know any skins and icons which I did not included, write me a message.

What is missing?
A bunch of skins for various applications, a lot of ripkit's, patches and schematics about modchips assembly.

You can share AIO to any amount of people, in any way, in any location, using any media carrier, by respecting following rules:

1. You cannot modify AIO nor any of included documents - with notable note of adding licensed software, pirated software!
2. You cannot sell AIO, neither as a whole nor parts of it, on any media carrier. AIO is free software, available for everyone and let this be this way.
3. You cannot add AIO as a whole nor parts of it to the paid services.

Thanks goes to:
The authors of all applications included in the package.
Szczuru, for beta tests of AIO prototype, ELF-Pack.
Stefanol, for help in search for diagrams and given modchip producers www sites.
Dizzy9 for translation of AIO documentation to the english language.

Contenu de l'iso :


Changelog :


Softs non inclus :


Potentiels virus/faux positifs :


Dernière modification par ShaoliAss ; 06/09/2015 à 14h54.
ShaoliAss est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
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