M3 / G6 DS Real v3.7 x24 (16th-05-2008):
Improvement projects:
1. That \"0135 - Ultimate Spider-Man (EU)\" the question of titles Dead, can now conduct normal game;
2. Solve the \"2278 - Dream cats DS (on) the\" soft reset the use of open microphone Dead problems, can now use the soft reset normal game;
3. Solve the \"2288 - Cleveland Waichuan (EU)\" Open soft reset the issue of the use of a microphone Dead, is now available in soft reset normal game;
4. Solve the \"2296 - SpongeBob SquarePants Atlantis (EU)\" soft reset to open the specific issue of the Dead scenes, can now use the soft reset normal game;
5. Solve the \"2304 - the source of Arc 2 will (Japan),\" Dead initial filing of the problems, can now use the soft reset and archive normal game;
6. Show that the Chinese name automatically control support to 2305, the DS game ROM.