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Vieux 10/08/2006, 21h30   #361 (permalink)
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voilas ce que j'ais vu :

Version 0.91

-Nicer and cleaner UI.
-Simultaneous browse of MS and USB.
-Change between MS/USB images and real UMD modes.
-Auto-detect USB connection.
-Only ISO and CSO files listed, solving the not working ISO problem.
-No UMD image automount.
-UMD images can be mounted/unmounted at any time.
-UMD images are only mounted after you finish browsing to avoid constant spin-up of UMD drive.
-Reboot PSP.

You must be on the emulated XMB for this module to be active.
-Press HOME to access the UI, release to leave and mount the selected UMD image.
-When in the UI use:
-LEFT/RIGHT TRIGGERS to browse UMD image files.
-SELECT to change CPU clock.
-SQUARE to mount/unmount last selected UMD image.
-CIRCLE to change between MS/USB images and real UMD.
-START to reboot the PSP.
-TRIANGLE to show about box.

On a working DevHook 0.46 installation, overwrite the files in your MS with the ones in the archive.
Should work with most mods, but it wasn’t extensively tested. Compatible screenshot module is included.

These are optional support files.
- A direct launch boot that can either be used from 1.5 XMB or as an autorun file in a custom firmware (recommended setup).
- A DLX themed "escape from 2.xx" by Booster. Just to be inline with the direct launcher look and feel.

0.92 - Correction of a bug that might make you lose USB connection when changing modes.
0.91 - UMD images are only mounted after you finish browsing to avoid constant spin-up of UMD drive.
- Change between MS/USB images and real UMD modes.
0.90 - Initial test version.

I released this test version because I believe it is already useful enough to share, but... THIS IS A TEST VERSION USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Although this is a test version, it is mostly bug free, there’s no risk of damaging your PSP or DH installation.

One know bug is that after changing the clock speed selecting a new UMD image will increase the speed once again. For the time being select the clock speed below the one you want before selecting the UMD image.

Also stopping USBHOSTFS on your PC will appear to hang the PSP, restart it to resume normal operation. However you can start emulation without USBHOSTFS running, you just can’t stop it once it is started. The USB cable can be removed/inserted without any problem.

This was only tested with firmware 2.71 emulation. There are serious chances this mod will not work in FW 2.60, sorry.

For people with problems loading image files try changing the line ms0:/dh/kd/umdciso_P47_SS_2000.prx to ms0:/dh/kd/umdciso.prx in dh/271/flash0/kd/ pspbtcnf_game.txt.

Please share your experience and/or suggestions for the final version.
PSP1000 CFW 6.60 / PSP Ta088v3 CFW
PS2 V9 SCPH-50004 / PS3 3.55 Kmeaw v9 HDD 500go
Xbox360 Elite Ixtrem LT Lite-On 83850c V1
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Vieux 10/08/2006, 22h01   #362 (permalink)
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Source ?
PSP US Value Pack 1.5 d'origine (Avril 2005) ---> 3.52 M33-4 (merci Dark_Alex et la Team 33)

1 MS Sandisk 1 Go (Juin 2005) + 1 MS Sandisk 4 Go (Aout 2006)

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Vieux 10/08/2006, 22h08   #363 (permalink)
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Erazor tu pense corrigé ta version parce que j'ai de nombreux bug a reporté
Ancien de la scène PSP - 2005 - 2007
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Vieux 10/08/2006, 22h17   #364 (permalink)
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je ne pe pas corriger je n'est que traduit cet version je ne pe rien faire de plus je ne suis pas programmeur a moin qu'en traduisant jai foirer quelque chose enfin bon tout marche chez moi
PSP Firmware 4.01 M33-2 By D_A + MS 2go Sony High Speed + Chotto Shot Made in Japan

Modo | Section Windows Trust - ;-)

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Vieux 10/08/2006, 22h54   #365 (permalink)
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je viens de tester la 1.35 de fano, j'ai le meme problème en usb
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Vieux 10/08/2006, 23h13   #366 (permalink)
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Je suis desolé de te dire que je viens de l'essayer et que sa marche
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Vieux 10/08/2006, 23h19   #367 (permalink)
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ne soit pas dsl

je defrag mon dd usb et c 'est un peu la galère avec mes nombreuses périphériques usb...

je retesterais aprés ma défrag
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Vieux 10/08/2006, 23h52   #368 (permalink)
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Perso la 1.35 fonctionne impec chez moi avec tout
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Vieux 11/08/2006, 01h14   #369 (permalink)
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je confirme apres 4h de defrag et juste la psp en usb ca marche
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Vieux 11/08/2006, 01h44   #370 (permalink)
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Mon dieu 4h ;P
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