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Vieux 19/12/2006, 07h32   #301 (permalink)
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bon c ok j ai reusi a convertire Battle Circuit (Euro 970319) mai sa lance pas ,
sa reste en rouge je sait pas si faut que je renomela roms en ou en battle circuit ( euro 970319) ?

Dernière modification par doudou2 ; 19/12/2006 à 07h44.
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Vieux 19/12/2006, 11h58   #302 (permalink)
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Par défaut = Battle Circuit (Euro 970319)

Drivers de Mame:
ROM_START( batcir )
	ROM_REGION( CODE_SIZE, REGION_CPU1, 0 )      /* 68000 code */
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btce.03", 0x000000, 0x80000, CRC(bc60484b) SHA1(9b4e46d0f3d96edcd1c3707409507a5027c69039) )
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btce.04", 0x080000, 0x80000, CRC(457d55f6) SHA1(19a39ec30166d4b797babe9d70328ac572d1f916) )
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btce.05", 0x100000, 0x80000, CRC(e86560d7) SHA1(a978a7f5e0069cd78c8588c2d91b825796c723a5) )
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btce.06", 0x180000, 0x80000, CRC(f778e61b) SHA1(e8321dece8977131e41c9207946b627074c13ee7) )
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btc.07",  0x200000, 0x80000, CRC(7322d5db) SHA1(473be1f1bf603bdd82451661a6206507f50ed2b6) )
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btc.08",  0x280000, 0x80000, CRC(6aac85ab) SHA1(ad02d4185c2b3664fb96350d8ad317d3939a7554) )
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btc.09",  0x300000, 0x80000, CRC(1203db08) SHA1(fdbea14618b277132f9e010ef36c134a8ea42162) )

	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btcex.03", 0x000000, 0x80000, CRC(2d193cd0) SHA1(534934bb9ab117ffc8593b5a7e32ce2aa78818ca) )
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btcex.04", 0x080000, 0x80000, CRC(a3895d8b) SHA1(b2bb8a3924ee2d436cfd7d91fdf875af6225d0aa) )
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btcex.05", 0x100000, 0x80000, CRC(bdbed16f) SHA1(3a3d84a2002c216bb77293dc0657ad425caa8236) )
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btcex.06", 0x180000, 0x80000, CRC(02048217) SHA1(cb65ec945f6ebf4b994c172bfb337ef08473e946) )

	ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, REGION_GFX1, 0 )
	ROMX_LOAD( "btc.13m",   0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(dc705bad) SHA1(96e37147674bf9cd21c770897da59daac25d921a) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )
	ROMX_LOAD( "btc.15m",   0x000002, 0x400000, CRC(e5779a3c) SHA1(bbd7fbe061e751388d2f02434144daf9b1e36640) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )
	ROMX_LOAD( "btc.17m",   0x000004, 0x400000, CRC(b33f4112) SHA1(e501fd921c8bcede69946b029e05d422714c1040) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )
	ROMX_LOAD( "btc.19m",   0x000006, 0x400000, CRC(a6fcdb7e) SHA1(7a28d5d7aa036d23d97fad17d0cdb8210dc8153a) , ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(6) )

	ROM_REGION( QSOUND_SIZE, REGION_CPU2, 0 ) /* 64k for the audio CPU (+banks) */
	ROM_LOAD( "btc.01",   0x00000, 0x08000, CRC(1e194310) SHA1(3b29de0aca9dbca59d6b50fb2509e2a913c6b0af) )
	ROM_CONTINUE(         0x10000, 0x18000 )
	ROM_LOAD( "btc.02",   0x28000, 0x20000, CRC(01aeb8e6) SHA1(50a5d1cce0caf7c5143d4904431e8f41e2a57464) )

	ROM_REGION( 0x400000, REGION_SOUND1, 0 ) /* QSound samples */
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btc.11m",   0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(c27f2229) SHA1(df2459493af40937b6656a16fad43ff51bed2204) )
	ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "btc.12m",   0x200000, 0x200000, CRC(418a2e33) SHA1(0642ddff2ab9255f154419da24ba644ed63f34ab) )
Drivers de NJ dans rominfo.cps2:
FILENAME( batcir, cps2, 0, 8, 0, 0 )
	REGION( 0x380000, CPU1, 0 )
	ROM( 0, 0x000000, 0x80000, 0xbc60484b )
	ROM( 0, 0x080000, 0x80000, 0x457d55f6 )
	ROM( 0, 0x100000, 0x80000, 0xe86560d7 )
	ROM( 0, 0x180000, 0x80000, 0xf778e61b )
	ROM( 0, 0x200000, 0x80000, 0x7322d5db )
	ROM( 0, 0x280000, 0x80000, 0x6aac85ab )
	ROM( 0, 0x300000, 0x80000, 0x1203db08 )

	REGION( 0x200000, USER1, 0 )
	ROM( 0, 0x000000, 0x80000, 0x2d193cd0 )
	ROM( 0, 0x080000, 0x80000, 0xa3895d8b )
	ROM( 0, 0x100000, 0x80000, 0xbdbed16f )
	ROM( 0, 0x180000, 0x80000, 0x02048217 )

	REGION( 0x1000000, GFX1, 0 )
	ROMX( 0, 0x000000, 0x400000, 0xdc705bad, 2, 6 )
	ROMX( 0, 0x000002, 0x400000, 0xe5779a3c, 2, 6 )
	ROMX( 0, 0x000004, 0x400000, 0xb33f4112, 2, 6 )
	ROMX( 0, 0x000006, 0x400000, 0xa6fcdb7e, 2, 6 )

	REGION( 0x48000, CPU2, 0 )
	ROM( 0, 0x00000, 0x08000, 0x1e194310 )
	ROM( 1, 0x10000, 0x18000, 0x00000000 )
	ROM( 0, 0x28000, 0x20000, 0x01aeb8e6 )

	REGION( 0x400000, SOUND1, 0 )
	ROM( 2, 0x000000, 0x200000, 0xc27f2229 )
	ROM( 2, 0x200000, 0x200000, 0x418a2e33 )
Soit la même chose sauf que NJ n'attache pas d'importance aux noms des roms tant que le crc32 (sans "0x" qui veut dire "hexadecimal" bien entendu) est bon (mais autant bien les nommer comme mame).

Ta le nom de tes roms et leurs CRC32 à coté, faut que ce soit pareil dans ton zip.

Dernière modification par 7zxkv ; 19/12/2006 à 12h06.
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Vieux 19/12/2006, 14h19   #303 (permalink)
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comprend pas desoller
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Vieux 19/12/2006, 16h47   #304 (permalink)
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Ba tanpis désolé.
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Vieux 19/12/2006, 18h46   #305 (permalink)
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Par défaut

avec dotre roms c plus simple ?
doudou2 est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
Vieux 22/12/2006, 13h26   #306 (permalink)
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personne peut m'aider
doudou2 est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
Vieux 24/12/2006, 14h20   #307 (permalink)
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Par défaut

Slt merci du tuto et tout mais j'ai ma roms ensuite il me disent c'est pas compatible les zip mais comment faire alos merci bco aidez svp
Venez vous inscrire svp merci forum sur les console

PSP 3.02OE-B black carte memoire 1giga
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Vieux 27/12/2006, 14h35   #308 (permalink)
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Par défaut

Ultime version avant suppression du compte de NJ, télécharger les sources.



EUsing the memory to it's limit due to using the Cashe, this was being
  postponed, but, have increased the speed on state save.

EVideo Sync option's movement have been changed.  If we waited for the
  Vsync completly, the speed decrease, so, changed to wait for Vsync only
  if it is possible.  Due to this, reading the cashe often, or doing a
  pressure full process, some tearing would occur since it will be doing the
  same as Video Sync = Off, but in more games, the possibilities of having
  this should decrease.  Having it on "On" might not be a problem though.


Since the CPS2 Shock has been updated, added some games.

EUpdated rominfo.cps1 and zipname.cps1, and rominfo.cps2 and zipname.cps2.
  (From here on, will not write about these when updated.  Please notice,
   if the created date is updated, then that would be the time for exchanging.)

EIf RELEASE flag is enabled and compiled, bootleg set will not be shown on the
  list.  Also, if RELEASE flag is disabled, bootleg set will be shown in Yellow.

EChanged the sound's mixing process.  Although just have started this change,
  probably around new year timing, was thinking to add it there, but, it's already
  there.  Due to the above, since the maintenance is getting frustrated, have taken
  out the sound test source.  If needed, please download it from the older one and
  compile them.  (Can't just plugin to the latest one though)

EChanged the optimization option from -03 to -02.
  Due to gcc optimization, using -03, some sprites weren't drawn.  Researched this,
  right before sceGuDraArray's memcpy, by optimization, if it was created inline, 
  there seemed to be a problem in writing the data from the cashe.  Before running,
  write back can do the job but, this decreases the speed a bit, so have changed
  this to be on -02.

EChanged the source, when compiling, deleting the makefile RELEASE flag, some of the 
  bootlet set will work. (Personally don't see this as a game, so have not tested,
  don't feel fixing this if it doesn't work, so please do not ask for it.)
  Same as CPS2PSP, do not release the bootleg set enabled binary on the web.

EProbably now supports Puzz Loop 2 (Euro 010302) and Hyper Street Fighter II 
  (Asia 040202).  Only changed the rominfo.cps2 to CRC's WinKawak's output list's CRC,
  so it might not work.  Cannot check, if it doesn't work, please tryout on your own.
  Puzz Loop2 would be, Hyper Street Fighter II would be
  pzloop2j's Parent Set has changed to puzloop2, but can used as is, so don't need
  to change the file names.


ELost World's freeze fix.


ELayer1's layers seperated drawing process bug being fixed.
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Vieux 28/12/2006, 20h01   #309 (permalink)
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Par défaut

Cool le tuto.j'ai un pti souci:
1) est-ce que le pack mvspsp fonctionne avec le firmware 3.02 de dark alex? car quand je lance mvspsp 1.51 ca affiche "démarrage du jeu impossible:80020143"

2)matos: psp white ceramic 2.60 > 2.71 > 1.5 > 3.02
avec memorystick pro duo 2go

3) au secours !!!
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Vieux 28/12/2006, 20h25   #310 (permalink)
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Par défaut


1) est-ce que le pack mvspsp fonctionne avec le firmware 3.02 de dark alex?
OUI, il faut placer MVSPSP dans PSP/GAME 150 et Kernel3.02 dans le recovery.

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