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Vieux 11/09/2010, 23h15   #3731 (permalink)
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Video du Lock Test Version arcade avec Yun et Yang

Sinon beaucoup de nerf :/ sa va pas plaire a tous le monde :/


• Yun's Super is the infamous Genei Jin (Custom Combo) from Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, it's performed with a 2x quarter-circle back motion, and can be Canceled into from his Palm.

• The Genei Jin has the trailing shadows you remember and he can Cancel the recovery on all moves, plus everything juggles. A few players were able to land combos that took off 40-50% of their opponent's life, and went up to 50-60% when they had them cornered. Also, this can be Super Canceled into off of Yun's Shoulder Attack.

• Ultra 1 is his You Hou, it hits four times, but the last hit is a Launcher. If the first hit connects cleanly, he will go into animation. If not, Yun does the other attacks anyway, like Makoto's Ultra 2. This can be Focus Attack Dashed Canceled into from his Shoulder Attack. He can also follow up an Ultra 1 with his Lunge Punch or Genei Jin combos, but only if you activate before you land the Ultra 1.

• Ultra 2 is a punch rush, if the final hit connects cleanly Yun goes into animation where he rides his opponent in the air like a skateboard, then kicks them down to the ground. This does not combo from any Focus Attack Dash Cancels because of its short range.

• All Yun's specials from Third Strike are in the game. Including his Palm, Flip Grab, Dragon Kicks, Shoulder Attack, etc. Light Punch Palm is a fake, Medium and Hard change the distance the opponent flies away. This move has a really big hit box.

• It doesn't seem possible to Focus Attack Dash Cancel Yun's Dragon Kicks, or the timing is weird.

• His Dive Kick is great, like Rufus' and his overhead, Toward + Medium Kick, can crossup a grounded opponent.

• Yun's Shoulder Attack seemed to have worse range than you'd think. His Dragon Kicks also seemed to trade quite a bit, but the EX version seems like it will be good anti air.

• Yun has his Third Strike target combos.

• Some players have claimed Yun feels "sluggish" like Makoto in SSF4.

• Yun's Ultras do not combo off his Standing Medium Kick Launcher.

• Color 1 is blue, Color 2 is yellow.


• Yang's command dash was in and crossed up like Ibuki's in SSF4.

• His EX Fist Slashes looked like a great move, crazy fast. It's really easy to combo into his regular Fist Slashes as well.

• He also has his Third Strike target combos.

• Yang's Ultra 1, Raishin Mahhaken, makes him throw out a single attack — if it connects cleanly, animation follows. If not, the ultra ends there — similar to Makoto's Ultra 1. This will only connect from close range.

• Ultra 2, Tenshin Senkyuu, rolls forward along the ground and goes up in the air with a rising kick. If Yang connects cleanly on the ground with the roll portion, the rest of the animation kicks in. If not, Yun goes up in the air with kicks. This Ultra will pass under fireballs and it has some tracking properties. If his Ultra 2 is started while the opponent is in the air, Yang will rise up with kicks where they're jumping, but in this scenario it won't lead to full damage. This can be comboed into off of a Focus Attack Dash Cancel or Medium Kick Launcher for less damage, again it won't connect fully in these situations.

• Yang's Super is his Seiei Enbu (Custom Combo) from Third Strike. Works much the same way, but not as good as Yun's.

• Yang can do his Up Kicks, Focus Attack Dash Cancel into EX Fist Slashes. Crouching Medium Kick Canceled into Fist Slashes also works.

• Yang's Dive Kick is the same as Yun's, or at least very close to it.

• Yang's Palm move has a really big hit box.

• Color 1 is pinkish, Color 2 is purple.


• His Tornado Throw (Command Grab) does less damage now.

• More recovery time on his Ultra 2, Breathless.

• His Roll travels slightly more distance.


• Walk speed is faster.

• EX Zonk Knuckle doesn't travel as far.

• The hitbox on his Hard Ruffian Kick looks like it's better. A player was able to hit Zangief with it while he was crouching, and this doesn't connect in the console version of SSF4.


• Dudley had an EX version of his "Ducking" attack added. This is where he slides forward and can punch or uppercut, it lacks Super Armor. This travels the same distance as the Hard Kick version, but recovers almost instantly, so if you go through a fireball you have a lot of options open to you.

• Crouching Hard Kick (Launcher) may be faster, although it's debatable at this point. It also may launch people higher.

• Jumping Hard Kick knocks down now in air-to-air situations.

E. Honda

• Overall damage has been reduced.

• It may be harder to combo into his Hundred Hand Slaps.

• Ultra 2 Oicho Throw has had its command changed from a 720 rotation to a 2x half-circle back motion.


• Gouken's Light Rush Punch has no forward movement, but it is faster.

• Gouken's counter move (Kongo) has been changed. It's now done with a reverse Dragon Punch motion with Punch. Light Punch deflects low attacks, Medium Punch for high and what Hard Punch does is still unclear.

• The EX version of Gouken's counter hit (Kongo) is unchanged. The Hard Punch version has the same animation as the EX.


• Hit box on Medium Punch, Hard Punch chain combo was fixed, it no longer will miss against some players who crouch.

• Hard Punch Dashing Elbow is faster and can be used to hit characters out of their fireballs a little easier. Light Punch Dashing Elbow is now safe on block against Zangief and T. Hawk's 360 command grabs.

• Ultra 2 has been improved. Less recovery time and the distance on it was fixed, so it's very comparable to Rose's normal throw range. According to one player, this is the Ultra of choice now, period.

• Flip Grab damage reduced. 120 instead of 200. Also, the window where you can grab the other player with the Medium and Hard versions has been shortened.

• His slide is faster.

• Guy seems a lot better overall.


• Hakan's Oil Shower stacks, i.e. it can be applied multiple times, which adds to the overall time it stays on.

• Capcom also gave him a Kick follow up after performing his Oil Shower. Another follow up option after Hakan's slide allows the choice between doing more damage or oiling up again. Also, he can reportedly combo Standing Light Kick into his Oil Shower.

• Hakan's 360 command grab with Kick can be canceled. This is where he runs in place and if you let go of the button he attempts to jump towards his opponent and grab them.


• Makoto's EX Dash Punch (Hayate) now breaks armor.

• She slightly faster walk speed.

• Her Axe Kicks are more like they were in Third Strike.

• Fukiage (Upwards Punch) takes off more life.

• EX Overhead Chop (Oroshi) has more invincible frames.


• Tiger Uppercut damage increased.

• More recovery time on his Tiger Knee.

• Standing Light Kick from Vanilla SF4 is back. It's one hit, can be Canceled into special moves, bigger hit box and it takes off roughly 40 damage.

• Light Kick Tiger Knee is more like Vanilla SF4. Some people say his Medium and Hard Tiger Knees are useless now.

• More recovery time on High Tiger Shots. His fireball game is a lot worse than it was.


• Zangief's EX Green Hand no longer knocks down and this puts him in range to set up for another grab. Some people say it still knocks down on Counter Hit though.

• Range on his Ultra 2 was increased — A LOT — but so was the recovery time.

• Light Punch Spinning Piledriver may have more grab range as well.

• The range on his Short Jump seems to be shorter, although this is not conclusive yet.

Other Characters

• Adon doesn't get up as quickly after a knock down now, although it still seems to be quicker than other characters.

• Akuma and Ryu's Air Hurricane Kicks are no longer as effective for escaping bad situations. If these are done in the air before hitting the peak of the jump, they'll become floaty and go nowhere. If you're at the peak of the jump or on your way down, they work pretty much the same. Crossing up with a Hurricane Kick still works, though.

• Balrog's Dirty Bull Ultra 2 is now a double half-circle back motion instead of a 720.

• Blanka bounces away about half the distance he used to after a blocked Beast Roll, making it much easier to punish. Azrael saw a Sakura player walk up after a blocked ball and punish it with a Crouching Medium Kick Canceled into her Dragon Punch. If his Beast Roll hits, Blanka bounces away the same distance as before.

• Cammy's normal moves are easier to combo with now, but Tiger Knee (instant) Canon Strikes are no longer possible. Can still Canon Strike normally, and the EX version can still be Tiger Kneed (done instantly).

• Chun-Li had no apparent changes, although it seems like her Crouching Hard Kick sweep doesn't do as much stun.

• Dan gets more height off of his air taunt. Big whoop.

• Dee Jay's Standing Hard Kick is apparently an overhead now.

• El Fuerte's Ultra Spark (Ultra 2) got a damage nerf.

• Gen's normal moves are supposedly easier to combo with now.

• Guile's damage has been nerfed and his Sonic Boom no longer builds Super meter. It seems unlikely that the latter change will stay in the game, though. Another player using Guile said he felt like he was more or less the same, so the damage nerf may not have happened either.

• Juri's Kick Fireball seems easier to combo with now.

• Ken's EX Hurricane Kick can be blocked low. He has more recovery on his Light Dragon Punch, but can juggle after a Light anti-air Shoryuken with an EX Fireball, just like Ryu.

• M. Bison's Ultra 2 is now a charge motion with way more recovery. It's performed by doing a Back then Forward command twice with 3x Punch.

• Rose's Ultra 2 (orbs) is no longer completely invincible to attacks while it's starting up. So supposedly has a faster Focus Attack as well.

• Seth's Jumping Hard Punch is gone, the stretchy arm one copied from Dhalsim. Now Seth does something akin to Guile's Crouching Hard Punch.

• T. Hawk has a stand alone EX Condor Dive (3x Kick), which can be done while jumping backwards. You no longer have to perform this as part of his EX Rising Hawk.

• Vega's EX-Scarlet Terror (Flip Kick) is a viable reversal now. His EX-Wall Dive grab does less damage.

Source Eventhubs

PlayStation 3 60Giga Pack
PSN WeskeR13
Code 3DS 1590 4676 8274

Dernière modification par WeskeR13 ; 11/09/2010 à 23h20.
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petitmarseillais (12/09/2010)
Vieux 12/09/2010, 02h43   #3732 (permalink)
Je t' O.S en two shot!!
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Il n'y aura finalement que ces 2 persos là?
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Vieux 12/09/2010, 14h21   #3733 (permalink)
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Envoyé par Corbierz Voir le message
il a même refouler voxan avec c nouveau cotumes :p

Non je ne suis pas méchant

Merci pour les infos de la version arcade Wesker .
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Vieux 12/09/2010, 17h07   #3734 (permalink)
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Je sents qu'on va en chier avec ces deux nouveaux persos...
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Vieux 12/09/2010, 17h27   #3735 (permalink)
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Il on remis a Sagat light kick 1 hit, et on augmenter les degats de son Tiger Uppercut, parcque la le pauvre on le voyait plus, Super Maintenant Dan vole plus haut avec sa provocation il sera god tiers...

Pour les 2 autres je dirais un seule truc ...
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Vieux 13/09/2010, 00h05   #3736 (permalink)
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pareil pour SAGAT me suis dis il et très bien comme sa le perso la on va ce rebouffer du SAGAT comme dans SF4 :/

PlayStation 3 60Giga Pack
PSN WeskeR13
Code 3DS 1590 4676 8274

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Vieux 13/09/2010, 15h29   #3737 (permalink)
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Yop tout l'monde, j'ais ssf4 et je suis chaud chaud pour les combats infinis entre nous si j'arrive pas trop tard :b
Psn : Gab-B XBL--> GOLD GabB
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Vieux 14/09/2010, 14h27   #3738 (permalink)
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news des nouveaux costume

voila pour les news costume

PlayStation 3 60Giga Pack
PSN WeskeR13
Code 3DS 1590 4676 8274

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Vieux 14/09/2010, 18h56   #3739 (permalink)
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je kiff le ken avec cheveux longs à la alpha
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Vieux 14/09/2010, 18h59   #3740 (permalink)
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Pareil la version jeune qui taquine Ryu.

Yo Gab tes de retour...génial je suis chaud alors quand tu veux mon pote =) Tu joues tjrs ton relou de SIM ? =D
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