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Informatique Zone exclusivement réservée aux discussions traitant d'informatique: problèmes windows, logiciels, virus, etc...

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Vieux 08/04/2006, 17h51   #1 (permalink)
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Salut tlm, voilà je voudrais créer un forum. Mais je sais pas trop comment m'y prendre. J'ai relevé plusieurs sites:
Créer un forum gratuit -
Créer un forum gratuit avec

Aceboard! // tutoriaux // PHP/MySQL // Installations // Créer son propre forum phpBB


Le truc, c'est que avec ForumActif c'est super simple, mais ya pas vraiment de possibilités.
Je voudrais bien trouver un forum, genre phpbb, et le mettre sur un web-host. Mais je sais pas trop comment faire.

Merci a+
oh mon Dieu, ils ont tués Kenny !!! Espèces d'enfoirés
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Vieux 08/04/2006, 18h07   #2 (permalink)
Membre V.I.P
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déjà pour un forum phpbb il te faut un ftp ..
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Vieux 08/04/2006, 18h10   #3 (permalink)
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mais j'ai trouvé un web-host gratuit

oh mon Dieu, ils ont tués Kenny !!! Espèces d'enfoirés
perfectmaster est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
Vieux 08/04/2006, 21h02   #4 (permalink)
Gamer toujours !
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Les sites comme forum actifs c'est pas mal car il te fait tout tout seul.

Link14 - La collection, PS3 et compagnie

Profil PSN :
Link14_fr - Si seulement je pouvais bien bosser en cours au lieu de jouer...
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Vieux 08/04/2006, 21h55   #5 (permalink)
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déjà pour un forum phpbb il te faut un ftp ... ouai et une base de donné aussi sa marche mieu
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Vieux 08/04/2006, 23h21   #6 (permalink)
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J'ai pas testé le 3e, mais je te conseil de prendre forumactif il est beaucoup mieux que aceboard (trop chiant j'arrive pas à le supprimer)
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Vieux 09/04/2006, 13h42   #7 (permalink)
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Je capte pas trop ce qu'il faut faire. De ce que j'ai compris il faut que j'attende de 24 à 78 heures pour que mon site soit actif.
C'est surtout la rubrique DNS que j'ai pas compris...

Help instructions:
The Domain Manager section helps you administer easily the domain names in your hosting account. You can add new domain names to host them in your account, or delete existing ones if you don't need them anymore.

hint Please note that deleting a domain name will automatically delete all subdomains, mailboxes and e-mail aliases corresponding to this domain name.

Note: To have your domain working with our system, you should point your domain to our DNS ( see DNS settings under NS paragraph below ).

Status - Shows the propagation status of your domain's DNS. The status might be:
DNS update should be completed to have your domain working! - This icon shows that the DNS is still not propagated and your domain will not work properly until it does not resolve on our DNS servers. After the domain is pointed to our DNS, it usually takes 24h before the propagation is complete.
DNS is completed and your domain is working! - This icon shows that the DNS propagation took place, the domain is properly configured to work with our system.

[?] NS - Set the following Name Servers to configure your domain working with our hosting system: (as primary Name Server) and (as secondary Name Server) .

MX record - An MX record or Mail exchange record is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System specifying how Internet e-mail should be routed. If the domain hosted with us is, the MX record should be However if you want to receive your mails from a different mail server you can specify that through the "MX record" when you set up a different mail server, for example

A record - An A record is part of the zone file. It is used to point Internet traffic to an IP address. For example, you can use an "A record" to point to send traffic to your web site at IP address 88.678.66.135. In the mean time you can also designate to go to a separate IP address.

Start of Authority record - The Start of Authority record is one of the most complex available. It specifies a lot about a domain: the name of the master nameserver ('the primary'), the hostmaster and a set of numbers indicating how the data in this domain expires and how often it needs to be checked. Further more, it contains a serial number which should rise on each change of the domain.

Options - Gives you the ability to delete a domain name or edit its features.
Delete Domain - Delete domain icon. Please note that deleting a domain name will automatically delete all subdomains, mailboxes and e-mail aliases corresponding to this domain name.
Edit Domain - Edit domain icon

Note: DNS update should be completed to have your domain working! Usually a world-wide DNS update might take 24-72 hours, depending on the domain registrar.
oh mon Dieu, ils ont tués Kenny !!! Espèces d'enfoirés
perfectmaster est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
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