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Game Cube Console de salon, sortie en 2001 (GC)

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Vieux 29/03/2005, 17h52   #1 (permalink)
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Attendé avant de crier victoire mais ce jour est histoirique!!!!

commencent a en avoir mare de l'intox j'ai cherché et cherché sur les différent resau se partage et victoire je les trouvé mais j'ai malheuresement pas le temps de le testé je doit partie a 20h!!!!

alors qui a un serveur ftp sur le quelle je puisse le mettre que vous pussiez le testé!!!!!

Au admin de metagames pouvez vous le mettre sur meta et SVP rendez a cesar se qui est a cesar pouvez mentionné qui la trouvé c'est a dire moi: lotus.2.ubb.urban.bougie.breakers sa fera trop plaisire a mon crew

SI jamais le NFO: - COBRA FOR VIPER GC V1.0 - ³
³ ³
³ 29th of march, 2005 ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ Today is a big day for GC owners, as Cobra 1.0 is finally released to ³
³ the public. After extensive beta testing we announce all DRE problems ³
³ resolved!! ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ What's the Cobra BIOS ? A special BIOS specially tailored for your ³
³ Viper GC that allows yo to run your backups (and now homebrew code!) ³
³ from the GC drive using DVD(-/+)R or Mini-DVD(+/-)R! ³
³ ³
³ So what do you need exactly ? ³
³ - A Viper GC chip ³
³ - This very flash file ³
³ - Some Compatible Media and a DVD-burner ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ WHAT'S NEW ? ³
³ ³
³ The software part was improved a lot while our low-level hackers had ³
³ some great time in vacation :-) ³
³ ³
³ - cheat system! ³
³ - NO MORE DREs... finally! ³
³ - Added a real GUI ³
³ - The following Cobra options can be changed (stored in Viper flash): ³
³ - Default boot action ³
³ - Boot action when the X-key is hold at boot time ³
³ - Video mode of the Cobra GUI (doesn't change Games' video mode) ³
³ - Behaviour of the lid sensor when booting Original BIOS ³
³ - You can get detailed GC Version Info ³
³ - You can explore the content of your GC discs (original and backups) ³
³ and even DVDs with ISO9660 filesystem! ³
³ - You can flash your Viper GC by burning the flash file on a DVD ³
³ (but don't throw away your programmer in case of a bad flash! :-) ³
³ - You can execute homebrew programs (.DOL) from DVD, and enjoy many ³
³ already-released homebrew productions! ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ - Flash the Viper GC with this BIOS then remove the parallel port ³
³ connector from the programmer. ³
³ ³
³ - Turn on your GC with an ORIGINAL DISC in the drive. ³
³ If there's no Title Screen coming, but the original BIOS instead ³
³ it's probably that you messed up your viper install:-) ³
³ Check that it's clean (and no wires crossing each other etc...) ³
³ If you have a black screen coming, it's probably because you have ³
³ some wierd BIOS we don't support (and don't know about) yet. ³
³ ³
³ - While turning on your GC: ³
³ - Hold Y to go to Main Menu (if it's not your Default Boot mode) ³
³ - Hold X for the other boot mode (can be set in Config Menu) ³
³ - Don't hold anything for Default Boot Action ³
³ ³
³ - Select "Boot DVD" if you want to play a backup / homebrew program ³
³ from DVD. "Please wait..." should appear. then "SWAP DISC NOW" and ³
³ the GC disc is stopped (and laser off). As soon as you see the disc ³
³ is slowing down it's safe to remove the original disc and put your ³
³ DVD-R instead. After a few seconds the drive will start to spin ³
³ again and disc will boot (if you didn't have enough time to do the ³
³ swap trick, turn off the GC and try again) ³
³ ³
³ - Remove the top of your GC if you want to use full-size DVD-R ³
³ ³
³ - Select "Original BIOS (Region Free)" if you want to play an original ³
³ import Game. ³
³ ³
³ - Select "Original BIOS" if you want to play an original Game ³
³ compatible with your GC region, or if you want to go into the ³
³ Original BIOS menus. ³
³ ³
³ - Select "Configuration Menu" if you want to change your Cobra BIOS ³
³ configuration. The options are quite self-explanatory. ³
³ ³
³ - Select "Disc Explorer" to enter what we belive is the best new ³
³ feature in this BIOS! It allows you to browse the content or your ³
³ original GC discs or DVDs (a swap trick is needed for them) ! ³
³ Supported file systems are FST (GC File System) and ISO9660. ³
³ Joliet encoding is not supported in ISO mode. ³
³ ³
³ - Enter "Disc Explorer" and select a .VGC file if you want to reflash ³
³ your Viper GC without the need of the Parallel port programmer! ³
³ ³
³ - Enter "Disc Explorer" and select a .DOL file if you want to run ³
³ a homebrew program! (You can put up to 1.4 GB of homebrew things on ³
³ a disc. We hope this will give some inspiration to emu authors :-) ³
³ Our DOL loader is not perfect for now and works for around half of ³
³ the public homebrew programs. Here are some of the programs booting ³
³ successfully: Kinderkram demo by Hitmen (you gotta see this), ³
³ GC-Linux, Ascii Fighter, DVD Browser, CTR_GCS, CTR_SND, GBQ Gameboy ³
³ emulator, PSOLoader "It's working" demo, Maze, Nitrorally, Yeti 3D ³
³ 3D engine, Chip8 emulator, Snowlords game, Terranigma and probably ³
³ many we missed! ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ The GC drive in its default state only eats high-quality DVD-R and a ³
³ few MINI-DVD-R. But a couple of months ago, speedi from the afterdawn ³
³ forums found a nice way to tweak the laser so it reads almost any burned³
³ media including some DVD+Rs. We recommend doing this laser tweak if you ³
³ have any problems reading your DVDs. We are no laser experts, in fact ³
³ we think it would be more appropriate to just lower the value of the ³
³ variable resistor instead of setting it to an absoulte given value, ³
³ but lots of people including us have been using this laser tweek for a ³
³ couple of weeks without any problem reported so far. ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ You don't need to encrypt the disc or use a special burner firmware ³
³ to write the disc. Just burn your ISO/GCM (rename it to .ISO) with ³
³ Nero (or any other tool). ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ Here are the current bugs we will fix in a future version: ³
³ ³
³ - Sometime the "SWAP DISC" message doesn't appear (or disc doesn't ³
³ slow down/laser is still on). If this happen to you just turn off ³
³ your GC and try again (ok, this is clearly our fault :-) ³
³ ³
³ - If sometimes after you swapped a disc there is a sync problem with ³
³ the DVD-R and origial BIOS is not loading, then try again. If this ³
³ happen very often, then you need a better media. ³
³ ³
³ - If the drive becomes idle for a couple of minutes, depending on the ³
³ media you're using it might loose sync, and hang. This is also a ³
³ bug of ours we will track. For now, if this happens to you, avoid ³
³ "PAUSE MODE" in games. It almost never happens for people that don't ³
³ have a ?8 Version. For more info about the issues with this version, ³
³ keep on reading. ³
³ ³
³ - Audio Streaming: FIXED ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ - Most multi-discs games are working, just play with Disc 1 until ³
³ you're asked to change disc and make a save here. Then boot with ³
³ Disc 2 instead. We started working on code to allow disc-change, ³
³ and we'll integrate it in a new release. ³
³ ³
³ All those problems could be fixed in a next update. ³
³ ³
³ To know what's your GC Version code (2 digit number) go into Config ³
³ Menu, then Version Info, 2nd page. First digit corresponds to GC ³
³ mobo version, 2nd digit corresponds to drive version. ³
³ ³
³ There IS an issue with drive "8" and current BIOS. People with latest ³
³ drive version can run backups, but get a lot of "Disc Errors". At first ³
³ we thought it was some mechanical problem (different laser or so), but ³
³ we got your hands on a 48 unit a couple of days ago (thanks Melan) and ³
³ confirm it's 100% Cobra related! We already localized the problem and ³
³ have a dirty-fix working! We'll work hard on making a clean fix and ³
³ do the necessary testing (all "48" testing wasn't done by us directly), ³
³ and you could expect a Cobra 0.4 version fully compatible with ?8 units ³
³ within one week! It will then work fine on just every gc version. ³
³ ³
³ you know it's REALLY working. Most of thoses tools only work because ³
³ the current pso loaders patch libraries routines to emulate DVD. But ³
³ on REAL HARDWARE, each file/fst has to be aligned on a 4-byte boundary! ³
³ Else nothing will work. Audio Files (for audio streaming) even need ³
³ to be aligned on a 32kb-boundary ! So forget current "WIPE" tools until ³
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Vieux 29/03/2005, 17h56   #2 (permalink)
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Envoie par mail et je mets que l'info vient de toi( même si tu ne l'envoie pas!!)
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Vieux 29/03/2005, 17h58   #3 (permalink)
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Envoie moi le jai un ftp super rapide si tu veux
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Vieux 29/03/2005, 18h01   #4 (permalink)
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Envoi si tu ve g ossi un serveur FTP

(je mettrait linfo vien de toi sans problème)
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Vieux 29/03/2005, 18h04   #5 (permalink)
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c'est bon jean merci de mentionné apres tout se boulot!!!!!!!!!
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Vieux 29/03/2005, 18h07   #6 (permalink)
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allez on croise les doigts et on espere... ce serait pas mieux de donner direct l'info ou tu l'as choppé
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Vieux 29/03/2005, 18h11   #7 (permalink)
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je l'ai chopé avec sheraeza sur le resau donkey et je vient de l'envoyé bon teste!!!
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Vieux 29/03/2005, 18h12   #8 (permalink)
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Put j'espere que c le vrai mais tu la choper ou stp
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Vieux 29/03/2005, 18h13   #9 (permalink)
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dit moi avant 20h si c'est le bon SVP!!!!!!!!
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Vieux 29/03/2005, 18h15   #10 (permalink)
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pt1 ta de la chance tu te met a chercher et paf tu le trouve direct le jours de sa sortie . Si c'est bien vrai tu es trop fort sinon je crois que t'aurai du attendre quelque jour avant de divulger l'info
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