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Vieux 22/01/2009, 13h36   #2111 (permalink)
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Thanks a lot by the help friends, you're great!!!

But don't works for me I follow all your instructions and the results is the same, the game works, boot and when arrives to the moment to play an audio track, the laser search for it and no sound, retry and then the game continues. Later the Shen Hua demo scene, then the second audio track or YS logo and the same thing, laser searching for the track, don't find it, then the game continues.

I'm start to thinking is a problem with my actual recorder (modern one, no compatible with CDRECORD) or my version of alcohol 120% that I'm using.

Is possible because how can be if not the fact of the release of perfect series make the same thing?? (search audio track and don't play it)

I tested in 3 diferents Dreamcast...

And when I try to play the audio tracks in the Dreamcast menu system, is play fine. 3 tracks, the 2 first of audio and works well, only in the game don't works (weird fucked thing!!!)

I'm continues trying, many thanks for your help
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Vieux 22/01/2009, 13h36   #2112 (permalink)
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Ouais ouais les menaces, les menaces ça marche pas avec moi...
Ta tigresse me fait pas peur même si elle a déjà éventré pas mal de fille trainant sur son passage !!!!
Tu sais quoi ? RDV dans 20 minutes au troquet du coin, on va règler ça manuellement, t'as une préférence pour ton dernier souffle ?
Iron thrust move ou boule de geisha empoisonnée ?
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Vieux 22/01/2009, 13h39   #2113 (permalink)
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faut qu on arrête nos conneries y'a MSN pour ça, allez je vais répondre à Ryo Suzuki il galère pour les audios. T'a gagné mon ptit Sadako.Tu me fais tellement pitié que j'ai pas le coeur de te faire mal. LOL

Envoyé par Ryo Suzuki Voir le message
I'm start to thinking is a problem with my actual recorder (modern one, no compatible with CDRECORD) or my version of alcohol 120% that I'm using.

Is possible because how can be if not the fact of the release of perfect series make the same thing?? (search audio track and don't play it)

I tested in 3 diferents Dreamcast...

And when I try to play the audio tracks in the Dreamcast menu system, is play fine. 3 tracks, the 2 first of audio and works well, only in the game don't works (weird fucked thing!!!)

I'm continues trying, many thanks for your help
Don't worry I prepare a batch with my dump of Shenmue 1 and send you to your gmail today.

Dernière modification par Shendream ; 22/01/2009 à 13h43.
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Vieux 22/01/2009, 13h48   #2114 (permalink)
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Merci, je suis si faible en ce moment
Même un gros big mac et un coca black ne font plus d' suis au bord du précipice du gouffre de la fin...

Que Lan Di viennent m'achever en me susurant à l'oreille :
"I will allow you to a warrior"
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Vieux 22/01/2009, 14h30   #2115 (permalink)
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Envoyé par Ryo Suzuki Voir le message
I'm start to thinking is a problem with my actual recorder (modern one, no compatible with CDRECORD)
Try to put this dll along with cdrecord.exe: wnaspi32.dll

It should makes most modern drives work. Mine wasn't working before I started using it.

Sex, Drug and Rock N' Roll
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Vieux 22/01/2009, 19h35   #2116 (permalink)
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Envoyé par Sadako Voir le message
RDV dans 20 minutes au troquet du coin, on va règler ça manuellement
lol on avait bien compris au final que vous alliez vous tripoter xD

sponsorisé par RIKIMARU

besoin d'aide sur votre console playstation , xbox , 3ds , wii ou autre ?
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Vieux 23/01/2009, 11h02   #2117 (permalink)
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Envoyé par sephirothff Voir le message
lol on avait bien compris au final que vous alliez vous tripoter xD
Lol non désolé sephirothff je suis hétérosexuel mais si je peux un peu emmerder Sadako, ça remplit mon coeur de joie
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Vieux 23/01/2009, 15h17   #2118 (permalink)
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y a pas de mal a ce faire du bien hein :p

sponsorisé par RIKIMARU

besoin d'aide sur votre console playstation , xbox , 3ds , wii ou autre ?
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Vieux 23/01/2009, 16h43   #2119 (permalink)
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DONE!!! Works!!!

Is stupid thing but... was the version of alcohol 120 guilty of my problems

I'm start to to suspect when the Perfect Series of darkfalz make to my GD reader the same fucking thing , and when you have tested and confirm working MDS with the LBA calculator method :reflexiomo6:

Then I write the Perfect Series disc 1 with Discjuggler instead of Alcohol and works with audio tracks!!

Immediately change my version of Alcohol to the lasts versions, and the MDS works without problems (I have done time before, but I don't know cause the fucked old version of alcohol )

I'm very grateful with the support of this forum as always (specially Shendream for send me BATCH SHENMUE 1 AUDIO CDDA.rar )

I post soon a new screenshots of my spanish translation version ¡THANKS GUYS!
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Vieux 24/01/2009, 14h35   #2120 (permalink)
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Yes friend normally with this method alcohol dont want to burn the iso but if you use Ultraiso and convert the final iso in the same parameters MDF MDS you can burn the iso with all version of alcohol, it's a strange method to convert with the same parameters but it's work at 100%.

Thanks for giving us some news of your translation.
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shenmue, traduction

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