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Vieux 29/09/2008, 10h54   #1851 (permalink)
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But not impossible, when we have began translation of Shenmue in French we had only two poors tools and with the will of all the fans on this forum ( Manic, Sizious) we found the solution to finalize all the tools. We can find the Font of Shenmue and do something for all letters you need in spanish but it is necessary to look for her again and again.

Dernière modification par Shendream ; 29/09/2008 à 14h29.
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Vieux 30/09/2008, 01h30   #1852 (permalink)
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Good news, guys. I managed to successfully open and edit the correct fonts and display the modifications in-game. The .FON files inside the MISC folder aren't used in-game, instead, it uses the very same FON files, but packed inside a PKS file: COLD.bin. There are also other 4 COLD.bin files, one for each language the game has been prepared to be released in (english, french, german, spanish). So, you might wanna try renaming those files to COLD.bin or change what file the game calls (by editing 1ST_READ.bin and replacing COLD.bin for the one you wan) and see what happens.

Being a packed, but non compressed, game file, i opened COLD.BIN in Tile Molester with 2bpp linear reverse and row interleaved. I sucessfully found not only the game subtitle but also the notebook font and others. Here's the screenie:

This solved my problem and i believe solves yours too. We just need to modify the font to our likes now.
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Vieux 30/09/2008, 01h35   #1853 (permalink)
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You're a fucking master, man

I go to try it
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Vieux 30/09/2008, 01h53   #1854 (permalink)
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Respect thank you soo much PlusTuta but I suppose you talk of Shenmue 1.
COLD.BIN of Shenmue 2 is the same? Normaly yes, but can you test?

Dernière modification par Shendream ; 30/09/2008 à 02h15.
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Vieux 30/09/2008, 04h12   #1855 (permalink)
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Shendream, i don't know if the structure is the same. Could you check it for me? And, if you can, attach the COLD.BIN for me? I don't have the CDI of Shenmue 2 here.
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Vieux 30/09/2008, 06h57   #1856 (permalink)
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Envoyé par PlusTuta Voir le message
Good news, guys. I managed to successfully open and edit the correct fonts and display the modifications in-game. The .FON files inside the MISC folder aren't used in-game, instead, it uses the very same FON files, but packed inside a PKS file: COLD.bin. There are also other 4 COLD.bin files, one for each language the game has been prepared to be released in (english, french, german, spanish). So, you might wanna try renaming those files to COLD.bin or change what file the game calls (by editing 1ST_READ.bin and replacing COLD.bin for the one you wan) and see what happens.

Being a packed, but non compressed, game file, i opened COLD.BIN in Tile Molester with 2bpp linear reverse and row interleaved. I sucessfully found not only the game subtitle but also the notebook font and others. Here's the screenie:

This solved my problem and i believe solves yours too. We just need to modify the font to our likes now.
It's giving me that personally :

(So nothing really usuable right now. Would need to have the (complete) characters horizontally or vertically aligned to modify them).

Dernière modification par Hiei- ; 30/09/2008 à 07h05.
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Vieux 30/09/2008, 09h40   #1857 (permalink)
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Hiei, remember to shift the font all the way to the left until you have only 1 tile (like in my screenshot). 1x22 tiles is the best workspace.

(Hold shift and press < on the arrow keys until you have only one vertical tile)

BTW: I just finished editing my font. I made a more beautiful and acceptable ç and created the characters missing for my language. Gentleman, success.

Dernière modification par PlusTuta ; 30/09/2008 à 09h48.
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Vieux 30/09/2008, 12h48   #1858 (permalink)
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Here the link for the font of the two version of Shenmue 2. PlusTuta don't forget to work on the original dump of Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2 if you want I can send you all this in ftp, contacte me by PM.

-Font Shenmue 2 for Dreamcast

-Font for Shenmue 2 Xbox

Quelqu'un pourrait-il s'occuper de corriger cette Font de Shenmue 2? Je n'ai vraiment pas le temps.
Même s'il n'y a qu'un seul pixel sous le "ç" ce n'est pas grave, il faudrait égaliser tous les caractères accentués pour qu'ils soient de taille égale aux caractères normaux, par exemple on prends le "ê" quand on regarde dans le jeu celui-ci est plus petit que le "e" normal, et le rendu est très moyen, il faudrait que ce "ê" est la même taille que le "e" normal quitte à retirer des pixels sur le ^, les lettres sur lesquelles c'est le plus flagrant sont "ê, â , û , ô" merci d'avance.

Dernière modification par Shendream ; 30/09/2008 à 13h07.
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Vieux 30/09/2008, 15h04   #1859 (permalink)
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I'm currently trying to do it, will post once I'll get a result.
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Vieux 30/09/2008, 15h13   #1860 (permalink)
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Nice. Thanks a lot PlusTuta (the bug in the top-left corner come from the "Stop" function of the emulator I used to do the screenshot).

Didn't try the "ç" yet but the "â", "ô", "û" should also be modifiable, like the "ê".

Je verrais pour le 2 si je peux une fois celle du 1 corrigée.

Dernière modification par Hiei- ; 30/09/2008 à 15h22.
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shenmue, traduction

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