Voila une news tres pessimiste.....
selon eux, les 7 studios de sega vont fusionner, ce qui risque de porter un énorme préjudice à la la créativité de Sega.....
il parle d'une evolution pénalisante pour sega plutôt que d'une fusion positive.
Je crois qu'il est dit que ça pourrait même causer le depart de grand noms chez sega mais mon anglais est pas super donc je préfere vous laisser juger par vos soins....
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SEGA Studios Amalgamated – RIP SEGA
By: Chris Leyton
Diverse creative genius sacrificed as takeover plans continue to steamroll forward…
If any further proof was needed that SEGA as we all know and love them has finally passed away, then recent comments from Sammy president Hideki Sato will be enough to make fans turn blue.
During the official unveiling of SEGA-Sammy Holdings Inc. Sato commented about the state of SEGA, and took a swipe at previous management claiming "Unfortunately, Sega has been in the red for nearly 10 years. It would tighten things up if the members that had directing position and representative rights took responsibility," whilst going on to speak about SEGA’s current President with some optimism, stating "Oguchi is still young, so he should be able to do more things with new board members."
It has emerged that all of the seven SEGA divisions (SEGA WOW, SEGA AM2, Hitmaker, Team Sonic, Smilebit, Amusement Vision and Digital Rex) will be amalgamated into one, which certainly pours doubt over the creative future of SEGA, whose diverse setup was always the main reason behind their creativity and leaves us to ponder as to whether you’ll see anymore high-profile resignations from SEGA.
As life-long SEGA fanatic we have to feel doubtful over the future of SEGA; quite simply this is closer to an aggressive takeover then a merger, and after last month’s comments seems to suggest that Satomi is butchering SEGA for all they can do to promote Sammy overseas whilst giving precious back in return to the much-loved Japanese publisher.