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Dreamcast Venez discuter ici de tout ce qui touche à la console de jeux Sega Dreamcast: vidéo, émulation, rip, jeux, etc...

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Vieux 14/12/2004, 02h29   #1 (permalink)
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salut a tous... qui conais quoi?
on parle de le futur homebrow por Dreamcast.. mais la que vien faire ce-ci dans la conversation:
Otogi 2
Headhunter: Redemption
Sonic Mega Collection PLUS
Super Monkey Ball 1, 2 or DX (when released)
Sonic Heroes
Feel the Magic XX/XY

Je pense que on parlait seulement de GOAT Vol. 1!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, 

I apologize for doing something that looked very weird earlier today when I asked that the Holy Cow! thread be locked after I had snipped out all of my statements in it. There is a reason to that, and although I can't go into too much detail, here's the facts: 

- WE ARE BACK IN PRODUCTION! Yes, that's right! The games are FINALLY being pressed! I don't yet have a timeline, but I will keep everyone updated as best as I can. 

- I snipped the stuff out of the Holy Cow! thread because what I was guessing would happen did not happen... at least not in the way that I was guessing it would. Basically, you'll have to trust me when I say that there is a LOT of stuff that I don't have the authority to talk about, but has gone right. We officially did not end up with the permission that I sought. 

- I ask that people on here do not discuss what I said in the Holy Cow! thread at length any more. Again, I can't exactly explain why, but you'll have to trust me. 

- The future of production DC games looks very secure. And the system will be much more streamlined. 

I know that this may all sound a little odd, and that I've probably just made everyone more curious than if I had kept my big mouth shut, but I cannot comment on anything regarding the "how" any further than I did above. 

Secondly, I need to be really honest for a little bit here about the "flip side" to the future of Dreamcast productions from us: 

This latest production has cost us infinitely more in the way of time than we expected it too. As it looks like, we *may* be able to get the games out exactly 7 months after they were finalized. During that time, as many of you know we weren't just sitting still. I have spent countless hours on the phone and through email with people, trying to accomplish things. 

On top of the time commitment, there has been a much larger than anticipated money commitment that we have had to make. Pressing one game it tough enough, and pressing two games that don't work and not having anything to show for it makes it four times as tough. Not including the second pressing of the disks, we have spent thousands on these games already... thousands that we are in danger of not making back. 

Between the months that it has taken to get these into production and the money we lost doing it the first time, we are WELL into the red for the year. I'm not complaining, and I don't want pity because the truth is that Gary and I knew and know all of the risks of publishing -- we spent a long time trying to figure out how we could make just enough to keep doing this. Unfortunately, our calculations didn't involve spending months between pressings and thousands of extra dollars. 

So what can you do? 

We've been putting the final touches on an affiliate program with the GOAT Store for the last couple weeks. The reason that some people are still waiting for GOAT Games reviews from us is that we've been trying to get this done. We are almost ready to launch it. 

We would really appreciate it if people that are just fans of the games become affiliates and put up links to our Web site on their Web site, in their message board signatures or where ever. Not just does it help us to spread the word about the new DC games, but you get 5% of each sale. You can redeem it either as in-store credit with us or get paid cash (US only), but that way you get something and we get a little help. I will make another post here once that's gone up. 

Secondly, if you have ordered the games, once you get them come on these boards and post about how you liked them and tell your friends and family about them. Make a review or FAQ and post it on GameFAQs, MobyGames or a million other great Web sites. Post a review on a Web site. Tell people that these games exist. 

I am more excited than I have been in (seven) months about these two games, and I cannot wait to get them to everyone. Both of these titles are outstanding, and I can't wait for everyone to finally get to play them. Trust me -- it was worth the wait! 

Again, I thank everyone here from the bottom of my heart. This is the ******** best community, and I am honored to be part of it and do my little part to help projects like this come to completion. And I know that others are watching that most of us aren't even aware of that really appreciate it too. 

Lastly, I will give everyone a few tasty morsels that you can talk about: 

As soon as I can get everything lined up, you should start hearing news about the next two games that we are getting ready to put into production. The first one is GOAT Games Vol. 1, as many people could probably guess. The second game should be a big surprise to many of you


QUI peut m'aider.. a voir plus clere!

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Vieux 14/12/2004, 09h38   #2 (permalink)
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le gars qui veut lancer une prod de jeu c dan potter de "cryptic allusion" c ça ?
si c lui on sait déjà qu'i va sortir tryptonite ds un avenir + ou - proche...

As soon as I can get everything lined up, you should start hearing news about the next two games that we are getting ready to put into production. The first one is GOAT Games Vol. 1, as many people could probably guess. The second game should be a big surprise to many of you
c quoi ce GOAT Games Vol.1?
c quoi cette surprise?
il affirme que d'autres titres sont prévus, je croise les doigts...
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Vieux 14/12/2004, 10h42   #3 (permalink)
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ca pour une bonne nouvelle !! c'est une bone nouvelle, croisons les doigts mais si j'ai du mal a y croire
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Vieux 14/12/2004, 12h40   #4 (permalink)
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entre cette "info":
the future of production DC games looks very secure. And the system will be much more streamlined
traduc: la prod à venir de jeux DC semble perenne, et le systeme sera bcp plus suivi...

et celle concernant le nouveau chip qui reunit un SH-4 et Power VR2 sur une même puce,

je me demande si Sega n'est pas en train de nous préparer une "pocket DC" 100% compatible dreamcast...
les jeux fonctionneraient sur les 2 supports (DC et pocket).
Qui sait, peut-etre des mini GD-ROM (retaillés)? car souvent les données de jeu ne remplissent pas le GD...
un line-up 2 en 1 "DC + pocket DC"!!!

zen pensai koa vou ??
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Vieux 14/12/2004, 15h02   #5 (permalink)
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fausse alerte!
le gars (Dan potter) parle slt de sa production à lui...
cela dit, ça risque d'être interessant qd même...
(c le mec qui a fait Feet of fury)
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Vieux 15/12/2004, 11h06   #6 (permalink)
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Pas du tout en faite ! Il s'agit d'un autre Dan (il fait partie de GoatStore et n'édite que des jeux ) on parle pas de Dan Potter (membre de Cryptic Allusion et créateur de Feet of Fury).
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Vieux 15/12/2004, 13h51   #7 (permalink)
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je confirme , Dan c'est le gas de la boite de pression de jeux dreamcast homebrew " GOAT " .En fait l'année dernière un concour de programmation dreamcast a eu lieu , il y a eu 2 gagnants : JMD , un français qui est souvent sur dcreload et dc-france , pour son jeu Maquipai et une équipe qui a créer un jeu du nom de Inhabitants .Mais voila le presseurs de jeux dreamcast " GOAT " a reçu une lettre de Sega disant qu'ils ne voulait pas que GOAT presse ces jeux .Sega a mis un peu la pression a GOAT et donc l'affaire a fait le yoyo . Faut savoir que Sega n'a rien à dire puisque les jeux sont devellopé avec un kit gratuit : KOS et parfaitement legal . Et donc GOAT a confirmé qu'il peut quand même les pressés .
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Vieux 17/12/2004, 03h11   #8 (permalink)
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Thx por les news... c'est bien ça!!!

Est les afaires vont bien dans se cote, il parait que ce prevue por fin janvier la prodution de GOAT!
On crois touts que avec tout cela on obtiendra des grafisme tres cool!

encore merci a tous! pour les infos....

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Vieux 17/12/2004, 13h37   #9 (permalink)
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Ca te coutera 20 €
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