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The following games are current ACTIVE online Dreamcast games as of Dec/2003
DETAIL: All games use dialup modem - BBA uses BroadBand Adapter also
YES 4x4 Evolution * racing gamespy usa/europe play with PC players on gamespy
YES 4x4 Evolution DEMO * racing gamespy usa/europe DEMO plays Arizona & Wasteland tracks
YES ChuChu Rocket(down in UK) puzzle Ind usa/eu/jp put email address into DC via browser to play
YES F355 Challenge racing Ind usa/europe ghost race online, then reply race offline
YES Jet Grind Radio[content] skating up, but rankings & graffiti won't load
YES BBA Phantasy Star Online * rpg Ind usa/europe free to play
YES BBA Phantasy Star Online V2 * rpg Ind usa/europe Hunters Lisence needed $$
YES BBA Quake III Arena * shooter Ind usa/europe 5 servers left - anyone can host this game!
YES Samba De Amigo[content] maracas Seganet download newer songs
YES Sega Swirl puzzle usa turn based over POP3 email (ygtbkm!)
YES Sonic Adventure 2 [content]action hosted by Dricas in Japan
YES StarLancer flying Ind usa/europe 3D space flying action game
YES(in UK) Worms World Party action Ind usa/europe cannot start a game online from AT&T in USA