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Vieux 06/04/2004, 18h42   #1 (permalink)
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Je voudrai savoir comment on utilise le programme pour compiler plusieurs jeu sur un cd...
Pour faire une compile des meilleurs Beats of rage
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Vieux 06/04/2004, 19h06   #2 (permalink)
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hep ! tu confonds PSX et DC là ...
Ya que sûr PSX que tu peux compiler plusieurs jeux sur un CD, à vrai dire, il existe effectivement des compilations du type "x Game in 1" pour dreamcast sur le réseau torrent. Ces compils' ont étées releasées par une team chinoise mais pour l'instant, elle ne dévoile pas son secret...
En revanche, ya Selfboot Inducer et Demomenu qui te permet de compiler pleins de progz, d'émus avec roms et fichiers sur UN CD, m'enfin pour ca, ya des tutos...
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Vieux 06/04/2004, 19h07   #3 (permalink)
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A moins que tu puisses trouver des mods de BOR au format .sbi ... ca me paraît possible...
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Vieux 06/04/2004, 20h01   #4 (permalink)
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ya isobuster ...
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Vieux 06/04/2004, 20h03   #5 (permalink)
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mouais, c'est une alternative envisageable... mouarf !
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Vieux 06/04/2004, 20h06   #6 (permalink)
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ok, i have capcom/snk2, marvel/capcom2, and super street fighter 2 x on one cd. cvs2 and mvc2 work, but ssf2x doesn't. again i don't know how to boot it. i did a couple of tests runs trying to boot it, but no avail. i did notice something strange. i put the ssf2x cd in isobuster. the second session starts at lba 11700, but i opened the 1st_read.bin in hex workshop and the lba before the "cd001" string was set at 45166.??? strange.

i also know that these games are small,

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Street Fighter 3 : 3rd strike
Crazy Taxi
Crazy Taxi 2

btw, i d'loaded CT2, but did not unrar it. do u know if its a cdda game. because if it is, CDDA games won't work with the multi game cd. i heard the game will boot, but without bg music. anyway on with the tutorial,

ok, u need to use the echelon selfboot method. now go to and download planetweb browser 2.6. put the cdi in isobuster and extract the files into the "data" folder. the data folder should look like this,


now create folders in the 'data' that will be the name of the game you want to boot from the browser. example: make a folder called MVC2 and CVS2 for marvel vs capcom and capcom vs snk 2 respectively. put all the files of those games in there folders, now the 'data' folder should look like so,


now you need an ip.bin. it doesn't matter where you get it just as long as it points to the 1st_read.bin. now put the 1st_read.bin of the data folder in the selfboot folder(up one level) BINHACK it to the correct lba which would either be 11700/11702. put the 1st_read.bin back in the data folder.

now heres the tricky part. the 4 bin files needed to boot MVC2/CVS2, are 1st_read.bin, maigo.bin, 2_dp.bin , and sg_dpldr.bin. if you burned these or any game with the echelon method and your burner always puts out an lba of either 11700 or 11702 after you burn the audio.raw session, then you don't need to binhack those files unless they have a different lba than 11700/11702.

if you have to binhack them, do so and put the files back in their game folders. now re-BINHACK the 1st_read.bin in the data folder.

now we have to edit the GINSU.INI file. open it up. don't mess with anything already there. instead, go to the bottom and put this in.

Ginsu.Path =\MVC2
Ginsu.Command =\MVC2\1ST_READ.BIN
Ginsu.FirstGDDA =4

Ginsu.Path = \CVS2
Ginsu.Command =\CVS2\!ST_READ.BIN
Ginsu.FirstGDDA =4

the name in the brackets is the name you want to execute.(more on that l8r.). the 'Path' is the game folder, and the "Command" is the boot file in the game folder which is the 1st_read.bin, i don't know what FirstGDDA is. i set mine to 4. it works fine. now save the file. if you want to access the in-game web browsers you also have to put that in the ginsu.ini. put some thing like,

Ginsu.Path =\CVS2
Ginsu.Command =\CVS2\2_DP.BIN
Ginsu.FirstGDDA =4

do the same for mvc2 if you wish, except the web browser froze when i loaded it for mvc2.?? now save the file.

now we have to edit one of the html pages in the PWBROWSER.
open up DRMCST.HTML in notepad. delete the META lines at the top. scroll to the bottom after < /table>. we have to make links to the executables in the ginsu.ini file.
like so,

< a href="x-avefront://---.dream/exec/CVS2">capcom vs snk 2< /a>

of course without the spaces. see where it says CVS2? thats the name that appears in the brackets in the ginsu.ini file. do the same for the other games execs. make another link for MVC2 and if you made one for the web browser, CVS2WB. optionally, you could just type the x-avefront link in the url bar of the planetweb browser.

now you're set. burn the first audio session of your cd, make an ISO of the data folder, IPINS, and burn your 2nd session.
when its done, pop it in your DC and once it loads up to the main page, scroll down and click the link you made. if its all good, your game should load.

this doesn't work with CDDA games(game will boot, but without music) or emulators. if you find out how, let the world know.

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Vieux 06/04/2004, 20h36   #7 (permalink)
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Me prennez pas pour une merde adoubab chui ptete sur ce forum depuis le double de temp que toi et je confond pas voila le topic
Sinon j'ai eu des renseignement au nivo de la connection de free!!!Et bas on peux l'utiliser kan on veux j'ai u une reponse par mail !!!!!!
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Vieux 07/04/2004, 09h34   #8 (permalink)
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Bizzare, DC Hakker ne fait pas tourner de jeux commerciaux, mais betas of rage n'est pas un jeux commercial nan ?

voilà ce que ca dit:

Dc Hakker is a binary (game, app, emu, demo) loader for the Dreamcast. It supports multisession disc swap, directory browsing and loads scrambled/unscrambled binaries (press Y to change between modes). It can also play .s3m music files and view .jpg images.
To use Dc Hakker follow this tutorial.

Dc Hakker will not work with WinCE emulators and apps (GypPlay, Sintendo etc..) or commercial games.
(d'après DCemulation)

Il est possible de le dl au format sbi !
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Vieux 07/04/2004, 10h40   #9 (permalink)
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enfait , on l'utilise comme un cd de boot et on grave les BoR en multisession???C'est ça si j'ai bien tout compris!!
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