echange jeux super nintendo + linker
voici tous les jeux que j'echange
je recherche tous ce qui est retro
(J)= japonais
(Us)= americain
(B)= boite
(N)= notice
(B+N)= boite + notice
astral bout (J )
best of the best karaté (US )
blazeon (J )
chibi maruko chan (J )
dragon quest 6 ( J B+N )
excite stage 94 (J )
final fantasy 4 (J )
final fantasy 5 (J )
home alone (US B+N)
madara 2 (J )
ncaa basketball (US B+N)
pop'n twinbee (J )
power athlete (J )
powerfull pro yakyu 94 (J )
prime goal (J )
Rival turf ( US)
sd the great battle arutanaru chousen (J )
seiken densestsu (secret of mana 1) (J )
sky mission (J )
slamdunk from tv animation (J )
space funky bob (J )
spanky's quest (J )
super donkey kong ( J B+N )
super fire III (J )
super professional base ball (J )
takeda nobuhiro no super cup soccer (J )
the great battle 2 last fighter twin (J )
un linker r4 revolution + une carte memoire 2 giga