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Playstation Portable Console portable, sortie en 2005 (PSP), 2007 (PSP Slim & Lite), 2008 (PSP 3000), 2009 (PSP Go), 2011 (PSP Street)

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Vieux 21/08/2007, 11h57   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut Réponse à Daniel Serafin par Dark_AleX + team M33 !

En réponse à PS3News et globalement tous ceux qui s'approprient le travail des autres lachement, Dark_AleX nous colle là un beau paté bien salé aux admins dudit site concerné.


I obviously am not gonna contact them directly. I would be mad If i did so.

To begin with: if someone has any doubts still, I FULLY moraly support last M33 and Wildcard Team actions against ps3news. How not support the people that are paying back to the person that has posted my supossed personal info because he thinks he is himself somekind of godfather of a mafia?

at this time we are kindly asking other Web sites to remove this information so that the harassment stops
Lie. You are not asking "kindly". You are menacing with legal actions and you are posting administrator personal info to them to try to show how big your penis is.
You are even posting information taken by illegal methods, another thing more to add to the list of crimes you have commited. Are you gonna do the same to sony boards or chinese forums? :rolleyes:
Hipocritally you say something about reporting internet harassment, when you have done the same to me and many other people.

Respected PSP sceners including Dark_AleX have been in favor of this personal data attack, but their addresses and other personal info have NOT been published and we would like to end the bickering right now versus allowing it to escalate even further.
Despite i left the scene because i wanted to be safer and I was tired of some, you have not stopped of trying to link me with M33, and change every of their readmes putting my supossed name and putting me in danger. Yeah, second and third names were with initials, but the other day, not in a main post, you posted that name FULLY and not just initials. So again other of your lies.

If this is acceptable then we will completely purge our Forums of all past releases and related posts, and only link to their official Web sites with their official releases from this time onward giving them full credit and donations as they wish.
But... are you kidding or you are real? I cannot believe a person like this exist.
That's the NORMAL thing to do. Do you think i'm gonna accept blackmail for doing normal thing? This reminds me of when you created a clone of mine in your site to try to get visitors. Friends of mine created fake sites as a payback. Then you made me talk to you to remove the sites and as exchange you would remove the clon. I will not accept blackmailing for a normal thing, again.

You have annoyed too many people, like when you changed 3.03 noobz downgrader readme and added something like "Report the author [ip and location of fanjita server] to the authorities" after the anti-piracy statement.
Do you think that things like that are funny? Do you think posting my supossed name is funny? Do you think editing people programs, with all the effort they put in them, and removing credits is funny? Do you think enter in svn's of people and posting their private projects is funny?
So you got a payback, and now you cry. Curious.

I don't accept your conditions.
The only option I accept, and that you have, is to FULLY close the site and not return again.
You can do all menaces you want. You are not in a good position, people have gathered enough info and proofs to put you in jail for a while, you are the last person in the world to talk about laws, when your site is full of copyrighted material, stolen material, and there are evidences of higher crimes like hacking of sites, passwors steal, corporation secrets steal, and physical threats.
If you close the page, I may try to make a call to people stop posting your data, although unlike you I don't play mafia game, and I don't feel myself like a godfather of the scene, so I cannot really control other people actions. I don't know any M33 member, and only know a few wildcard members.

Otherwise, if site is not closed, instead I will morally support everybody that post things about you, and whatever they want to do with you.

Think twice before you do another step. People will never forgive your actions, but still if you close the site and do not return publicly to internet, you may be at time of people forgeting this and not going further.
Otherwise, you risk your freedom, your private life, and the private life of your family.



EDIT: au tour de la team M33 de se prendre au jeu !


-Official statement from M33 Team-
To Dark_AleX:

We've seen your answer to ps3news request @ Reply to Daniel Serafin - MaxConsole Forums and we have just to say that we partially know what you have been through, and that if you need anything, contact us and we will help you and all the respectable part of the PSP Scene with all of our means.

It's a pity though that you are out from this world, but God bless you for all you have done for us all

To Wilc*rd Team:

We fully support you and your actions described on some forums about taking anti-credits and other actions against criminal sites.

We really hope that all the people around the PSP Scene will know about you and about the actions that the respectable part of the Scene are making to try to make this world greater and without any criminal actions.

To the administrator:

This is a direct message from M33 Team in answer to your request @ PS3NEWS.COM, PS3 NEWS, PS3NEWS, PLAYSTATION 3, PS3, PS2, PSP, XBOX 360, WII, NDS, GAMECUBE that is being posted at forums and our webpage, as your "contact us" link is broken and we wanted this to come public.

We have been eyewitnesses from some of your "actions" that are very different from what you do say in public.
There is no harassment in publishing public information. There is no harassment in making anticredits. There IS harassment when you try to take "legal" actions against the ones that doesn't think like you, and when you DO support anyone that hacks a private database and leaks non-public sources.

As Dark_AleX said, his personal name with second and third was published on your web, and this "leak" is more "illegal" that ours, if copy-paste the public information from a web registration is illegal

You've said:
"If this is acceptable then we will completely purge our Forums of all past releases and related posts, and only link to their official Web sites with their official releases from this time onward giving them full credit and donations as they wish."

We do really hope that this could come true, but the time and the experience with the past and the -harassment- done to the PS2/PSP/PS3 Scene from your side makes us think that this is just a waste of time and just a bunch of lies, that we'll not believe till some requests are done:

1. Say sorry for all the harm done to PS2/PSP/PS3 Scene, Wilc*rd Team, Dark_AleX, Fanjita, and all the others developers that we've not mentioned and that have got their work menaced (aka OE source) because your hex-edits and self-interest to make more visitors and, in fact, more money. This is a shame.

2. Once done the above, close the web permanently and do not ever return, with same or other mask. The -harm- that you have done along in your history it's so damaging that can just be repaired with a perm. close.

If this doesn't come as we and others have said, we will continue with our releases, anticredits, and, if you like the word, anti-ps3news campaign

You harvest what you have sowed. You get what you deserve. No mercy for the ones that doesn't have it.

Ps. By the way, we have more info in our hands to show if needed, a VERY interesting info, that might be released if above conditions are not met.

Team M33.


Dernière modification par CorB3n ; 21/08/2007 à 12h51.
Vieux 21/08/2007, 12h05   #2 (permalink)
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En espérant que ceux qui disaient "ooh mais notre cher et tendre D_A ne nous ferait jamais un coup pareil" l'ouvrent un peu moins à présent...
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Vieux 21/08/2007, 12h05   #3 (permalink)
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DA ne se laisse pas faire ! Mais je connais pas le début de l'histoire...
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Vieux 21/08/2007, 12h11   #4 (permalink)
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Les grandes lignes, c'est que depuis leur créations (PS2ownz => PS3News) les admins du site ont placé leur pub et leurs crédits dans chaque fichier créé par un développeur, que ce soit un PRX pour screenshot, un émulateur ou homebrew, jusqu'aux CFW. Si on amplifie un peu, ils ont créé un faux Dark_AleX sur leurs forums pour flamer et casser sa réputation-du-net. En gros, ils volent le travail de passionnés pour faire du profit (avec la tonne de pub à cliquer ça doit y aller...) tout ça sans aucuns scrupules (cf. leur nouvelle news demandant aux membres/lecteurs de rager sur la team M33 à cause des bricks).

Et vous l'avez tous lu, D_A soutient la team M33, car à part si vous êtes développeurs ou vraiment intéressé par la scène PSP, je pense pas que vous pouvez comprendre ce qu'il se passe. Et c'est beaucoup plus courant que ça dans l'underground (autre que PSP).

Enfin maintenant qu'ils ont prévenu (enfin re-re-prévenu pour ceux qui ont du mal) que l'EBOOT ne sera plus modifiable, faudra vous en prendre qu'à vous même plutôt qu'aux codeurs qui risquent la tôle pour vous permettre de jouer à des jeux/films téléchargés :/
Vieux 21/08/2007, 13h01   #5 (permalink)
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On veut les traduction ! , On veut les traduction ! , On veut les traduction !

lool bon je le dit un peut en rigolant mais si quelqun se donne la peine de traduire ceci, je le remercie d'avance
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Vieux 21/08/2007, 13h01   #6 (permalink)
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Et bien voilà j'espère que ça les calmera chez ps3news
Mon blog paumé sur lequel on peut gérer ses jeux et personnages préférés
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Vieux 21/08/2007, 13h48   #7 (permalink)
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rahhh enfin la newz arrive sur méta.
quand j'avais lu ça sur MaxConsole y'a 2 jours j'étais surpris de lire que DA aurais voulu faire la même mais bon pour se protèger faut passer par des moyens drastiques par moment.
my photo gallery - my home - myspacemusic
PSP Black (E) 1.52→2.00→1.50→TFT cassé 1an →new TFT et 3.03 OE-B→3.03OE-C→3.30OE-A→3.40OE-A→3.51M33→3.52M33
PSP Ceramic White (J) 2.60→2.80→3.00→3.11→3.30→3.40→3.50 merci Sony! Tous mes UMD passent.
PSP Black (E) 1.52→2.00→1.50→Devhook 0.51→3.52M33
PSP Slim Crisis Core (J) 3.60→3.71
PSone // PS2 Fat // PStwo // NDSL Black
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Vieux 21/08/2007, 14h17   #8 (permalink)
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bon pour se protèger faut passer par des moyens drastiques par moment.
Pas au détriment des pauvres joueurs que nous sommes.

Pensez à ceux qui bidouillent leur bécane depuis le début et qui se retrouvent avec une brique pour une simple maj' à 2 balles,imaginez un peu les glandes.

Heureusement que ca ne m'est pas arrivé et je compatis pour les autres.

En plus la guéguerre est entre codeurs et admins,quel rapport avec les utilisateurs ?
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Vieux 21/08/2007, 14h29   #9 (permalink)
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Parce que les développeurs font ça pour les utilisateurs tout simplement, et que les admins font aussi ça pour gagner des tunes via les utilisateurs...
Les mecs qui se retrouvent avec leur PSP briquée et qui avaient l'habitude de la tweaker sont forcément passés par des sites connus et non malsains (à part des PRX volés ou CFW leakés tu trouves rien d'autre sur PS3News), donc le problème vient d'eux et pas des développeurs, y'a un readme y'a tout ce qu'il faut, et les fichiers téléchargés sont propres sur ces sites (enfin pour ma part quelques heures après sa sortie).
Vieux 21/08/2007, 14h32   #10 (permalink)
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D'ou l'interet de pas se jeter sur la première MAJ venue avant feedback
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