Voici une nouvelle version de l'ému, désoler mais j'ai pas trop envi de traduire la news (en plus je suis assez mauvais en anglais)
SoftDev has updated his port of the FCE Ultra Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator for the Nintendo GameCube to v1.0.8. It now takes full advantage of the power of the ATi-GX chipset, and fixes the memorycard idle bug, and added Joliet filesystem support for reading for discs.
What's New?
* GX Graphic Filter Added - Super Fast/Smooth
* Joilet FileSystem Support for DVD
* Memory Card Idle Bug Fixed
General Features:
* NES Compatibility Based on v0.98.12
* Sound Filters & Graphics Filters
* 1-2 Player Support
* Real Time Saving (RTS) from Memory Card
* Load Games from ISO9660 DVD
* Fast Load from Qoob or Viper