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Cyclo CycloDS Evolution, CycloDSi Evolution

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Vieux 05/12/2009, 12h07   #481 (permalink)
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Pas mal ça

CycloDS Compatibility: Home

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Sinon, dommage qu'il faille obligatoirement accepter les cookies de 2 sites pour cela...
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Vieux 16/12/2009, 18h13   #482 (permalink)
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Review CycloDS Evolution Firmware v1.56 BETA 5

@Modos : Ce serait bien que ce topic retourne à sa place d'origine non ?
Mise à jour du Firmware, toujours en version BETA je précise :
Sur Cyclods.wikidot ou ici sur Filetrip.
CycloDS Evolution v1.56 BETA 5 firmware has been released for testing, and this time with a special new feature! Changes include:

* Added Stealth Mode feature, fixes 4362, 4417, 4482, 4492 (see below)
* Fixed problem with LCD brightness configuration
* Other game compatibility fixes (DSi 0015, 4506)

Stealth Mode

Stealth Mode is a powerful new feature exclusive to CycloDS Evolution, targeted at defeating a new type of "anti-tamper" protection which has appeared in recent games. Previously the only way to defeat this protection was through complex software cracks, being extremely time consuming to create and entirely different for each game, meaning considerable delays for users given the likelihood of a proliferation of titles featuring this protection. CycloDS Evolution's automated solution provides a means for instantaneous playback of these titles without any need for the user to patch or alter the ROM files in any way.

Please note the following points with regards to Stealth Mode:

* The Cyclo Evolution stealth code is still in development. As such we are releasing a BETA in order that we may obtain feedback and support our loyal user base with new functionality in advance of the final release. We trust that should you encounter any issues, feedback will be forthcoming through posts in our forums.
* Stealth Mode is currently being optimised and tested for stability. The current BETA release in no way reflects the final performance of the feature and is presented purely to offer a glimpse of the advanced functionality which we strive hard to provide. In using the BETA Stealth Mode feature for playback of anti-tamper titles, performance may be slightly compromised due to the fact that the feature has yet to be completely optimised.
* Stealth Mode is only required for games which feature the new anti-tamper protection scheme. CycloDS Evolution will automatically enable Stealth Mode for games known to feature the anti-tamper protection at the time of the last firmware release. Should new anti-tamper releases appear in between releases of the Cyclo Evolution firmware, stealth mode will require manual enabling by holding START while loading the game.
* While a game is running in Stealth Mode the Enhanced Menu is disabled

Liste de compatibilité : ici

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Vieux 16/12/2009, 19h00   #483 (permalink)
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Envoyé par Duffman Voir le message
@Modos : Ce serait bien que ce topic retourne à sa place d'origine non ?
Mise à jour du Firmware, toujours en version BETA je précise :
Sur Cyclods.wikidot ou ici sur Filetrip.

Liste de compatibilité : ici

Site Officiel - Forum officiel
Si tu veux faire le topic officiel tu es le bienvenu...

Juste expliquer comme l'installer, les différents modes et c'est réglé...

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Vieux 16/12/2009, 19h25   #484 (permalink)
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Bonsoir, j'ai un CycloDS que j'ai directement passé en version 1.55.

J'ai voulu installé moonshell ce soir version 1.71 release 3...
Direct le dossier moonshl à la racine de la carte micro SD...

Je relance la console et là... rien!

Il me dit que Moonshell n'a pas été installé et que je dois le récupérer sur le site du constructeur!!!

C'est grave Docteur? :pasmafaufe8:
Xarathoustra est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
Vieux 16/12/2009, 20h12   #485 (permalink)
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non pas grave faut juste changer la version de ton moonshell la 2.05 ou la2.08
jc120 est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
Vieux 16/12/2009, 20h14   #486 (permalink)
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et prend directement le -1.56-BETA_5 marche bien
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Vieux 16/12/2009, 20h42   #487 (permalink)
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Je les trouve où ces versions là de moonshell?? :reflexiomo6:
Xarathoustra est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
Vieux 16/12/2009, 21h10   #488 (permalink)
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la version 2.08 ici FileTrip - MoonShell 2.08 lite pack 2.08
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Vieux 16/12/2009, 21h47   #489 (permalink)
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non va plutot ici

copie coller

I've written some slightly different instructions today, after installing Moonshell myself and finding out how horribly inaccurate the FAQ on my website was

This one is based on Moonshell v2.08 -- the main difference to yours djshok is in step 6 where I've mentioned the setup.exe file.

Also, it only covers the exe download, not the zip file - as I haven't tried installing that one ;-) Not sure if there are any differences between the two, except I don't think exe's will run on a Mac?

1/REMOVE any other version of Moonshell from your flash cart before continuing.
2/Download Moonshell v2.08 to your Windows desktop
3/Double-click on the file to extract the contents to your computer
4/Open the folder that was created (it will be called "200912022233_moonshell208stable") and then:
● Copy the whole moonshl2 folder to the root of your microSD card
● Copy the moonshl2.nds file to the root of your microSD card
● Leave the rest on your computer, but keep the folder open as you will use these files in a minute
5/Open the CycloDS folder on your microSD card and edit config.xml using Notepad
● Change the moonshellPath setting so that it looks like this: <moonshellPath>/moonshl2.nds</moonshellPath>
6/Return to the folder you extracted on your computer and double-click on setup.exe to run it
● If you are asked to choose a language, make your choice and click the button to continue.
● Click on the button titled "Installed to <drive>" if the drive is one your microSD card is using (otherwise select the right one from the combo box first)
● Click on the button titled "Update"
● When you get a message saying that installation has completed, click "OK"
7/Safely remove your microSD card from the computer and plug it into your CycloDS, then push your CycloDS Evolution into slot 1 of the Nintendo DS
8/Turn on the DS and boot the CycloDS from the top-most button on the screen
9/Moonshell 2 should launch from the Media button (centre) when you touch it with the stylus

If this is updated it will be updated on the original page first, and only copied here if I remember.

Dernière modification par jc120 ; 16/12/2009 à 21h55.
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Vieux 25/12/2009, 20h32   #490 (permalink)
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Par défaut mise à jour du linker evolution

j'ai suivi les topic et tuto traitant de la MAJ du linker evolution mais j'ai toujours le même problème et je voudrai avoir votre avis

j'ai la version 1,4 sur une DS normale
j'ai dll le jeu "legende of Zelda" qui ne fonctionne pas avec cette version
j'ai voulu mettre la version 1,55
j'ai donc téléchargé cette version en fichier zip/dézipper sur le PC, fait un copier/coller du fichier evo-firmware sur ma minicard SD dans le répertoir racine
puis celle ci dans la carte evolution
puis je mets la carte evolution dans la DS que j'allume

je ne remarque rien de spécial...à part que la DS affiche toujours la version 1,4
et que le jeu "légende of Zelda" ne fonctionne toujours pas
j'ai fait de même avec les versions 1,54 et 1,53
mais même problème:reflexiomo6:

merci de votre aide
villars42 est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
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