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Vieux 07/05/2007, 20h25   #764 (permalink)
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Bon moi je suis reparti pour une nouvelle parti pour débloquer eva+ocelot ,je suis cette méthode
mais j'ai un probléme sur ça :
"Make sure you put spies in the town, guest house, and western
wilderness. After you get Sokolov head to the Silo Entrance. You will
receive a call from Campbell about a spy report even though there was
none. Head for the top left corner and interrogate the officer.
He wears green and is by the rpg ammo. There is a bridge there.
He will mention a man with twirling revolvers. "
quant j'interroge le gars il me dit "ne me tue pas" !peut-être faut-il que je revienne aprés le 2éme combat contre null ?

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