Discussion: nouveau: jeu sur hdd
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Vieux 25/05/2004, 14h54   #22 (permalink)
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" We just received confirmation that the US (NTSC) version will be available the first week of June (around the 4th), and the PAL (EURO) version will be available for £19.50 around the third week (21st) of June, 2004.

Soon the PS2 scene will be able to EASILY do what X-Box'ers have done for quite some time... plug in a large (40-120GB) $ony or non-$ony HDD with Network Adaptor and have access to a LARGE collection of PS2 games- all selectable and playable from the main menu!

The upcoming HD Loader appears to truly live up to it's slogan as "The Ultimate Game Storage And Management Solution" for the PlayStation 2 console! Those interested in purchasing this exciting new product (only $29.95) can do so from DIVINEO and, for detailed info, drop by the official HD Loader site located at www.hdloader.com now! Lots more to come on this soon, and be sure to post your thoughts on this in our designated HD Loader thread!!! "

ca c'est la news en acceuil.

et ca c'est lke lien vers le topic de leur forum=http://www.ps2ownz.com/forums/showth...4&page=2&pp=15

A mon avis que la version US sera bientot dispo sur le baudet étant donné qu'elle devrait sortir dans la 1ere semaine de juin reste a savoir si on pourra en faire qqch avec nos console PAL

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