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Vieux 29/04/2007, 15h03   #675 (permalink)
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Bonne nouvelle les gens ^^ :
[07.04.29] Some more info on the coming update

We have received a lot of questions on the coming update lately.

The upgrade is now near completion. It has been delayed due to a few factors; the base system disc took longer than expected to complete, and there have been a few unexpected issues that are currently being worked on.

Making the update incompatible with clones is NOT one of those issues, though. We would also like to clarify that we do not intend to brick or render clones inoperable.

source :

Eikichi, 22 ans
permis poids lourd spécial (véhicules à chenilles) et moto toute catégorie,
karatéka 2ème dan.
Rêve de devenir pote avec
des stars du show biz.

La sincérité, c'est ma devise...
C'est Mon Style, Je suis comme ça.


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