18/04/2007, 04h55
#2489 (permalink)
Envoyé par Atmox
RUMOR: MotorStorm fixes, content to come in a couple of weeks?
It's technically a hearsay game of six degrees, but... PS3Fanboy received whispers that Sony's readying MotorStorm-related downloads to put up in the Store in a couple of weeks. No specifics were given, from download details to price (If there is a price), but the claim says that this download will address a number of multiplayer issues such as spawn glitches and ultra boost.
Now, on the official front, Evolution Studios and SCEE mentioned previously that they're readying game content for MotorStorm, including "modes as well to expand the width of the game." Three Speech also mentioned that content should be available around April or May (bingo on the "couple of weeks then", but admittedly Three Speech could be wrong, too. Hopefully not in this case). The claim on PS3Fanboy also mentions that there will be "additional downloads" besides game fixes.
Sources : http://ps3.qj.net/
Si je traduis bien une mise à jour pour motorstorm d'ici une 15éme de jours... Touchant le multiplayer, le systeme de boost...
j'espere qu'elle sera gratuite , parce que payer pour une mise à jour....