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Vieux 10/03/2007, 21h34   #9 (permalink)
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Les "excuses" de Hecker

“I don't know who has read the internet, yesterday. In a [unintelligible] panel I said a bunch of things. I was trying to be thought provoking and entertaining and fun and a lot of the stuff went too far over the top on the entertaining and fun side, so that it was no longer thought provoking, just inflammatory. And in the process I hurt a bunch of people I care about. And so, I want to apologize now.

When I'm on stage, I'm me. I'm talking talk from me. From me. I'm not representing EA or Maxis. I want to make two things perfectly clear.
Y'en a un qui s'est fait taper sur les doigts!

J'ai édité mon lien No more heroes vers une vidéo de plus grande taille, on apprécie ce trailer enfin à sa juste valeur!
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