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Vieux 09/03/2007, 17h42   #163 (permalink)
Too old for this shit
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Envoyé par ED502003 Voir le message
Va voir la news sur le site de la wiikey apparement il échange les puce meme celle qui ont subi des dommage par l'utilisateur
(enfin si jai bien traduit )
ah ben çà a l'air vrai^^
[07.03.09] RMA policy
We have read that some user received "DOA (dead on arrival)" chips. Every chip that is packed was successfully tested on a console before, however there are various damages hat can happen during transportation, repacking and installation. Unlinke many others we assure that we will replace any faulty/damaged chip for our users even if it obviously was an user error. Please send any faulty chips back to your dealer. Your local dealer will for sure get a replacement.
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