Discussion: Gdc 2007
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Vieux 05/03/2007, 23h22   #10 (permalink)
Original Gangsta
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regardez la pancarte :

"Live in your world, create new ones in ours"

donc voila officiel ou pas.....

EDIT : voila encore quelques précisions sur le contenu du discours de phil :

Sony also announced that new development tools and technologies will be showcased at GDC. A few of them were mentioned, though we're expecting this to be merely the tip of the iceberg:

* Tuner for PS3 – Developed by SN Systems, a subsidiary of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., the Tuner is a profiling tool that enables developers to quickly highlight bottlenecks and conflicts in source code, helping them improve code performance. The Tuner is a software application, so there is no special hardware required, which enables developers to create high performance games with less guesswork.
* Unreal Engine 3 – Epic's next-generation game engine technology targets a diverse set of genres from fighting games to shooters to Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games
* High-Level Graphics Package – PSSG (a PS3 optimized cross-platform graphics engine and tool-chain) production-ready extensible scene-graph framework that is written to take advantage of PS3 strengths
* Pioneering profiling and analysis tools and physics technologies
* Developing with Linux on PS3
* Demonstration of downloadable titles from the Playstation Network, such as flOw, Blast Factor and Calling all Cars
R.I.P. Mr Troutman

Dernière modification par bopit96 ; 05/03/2007 à 23h50.
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