Discussion: ds briqué ?
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Vieux 01/03/2007, 14h53   #6 (permalink)
Too old for this shit
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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donc la question que je me pose est il compatible avec la ds lite ?
y'a un noflashme special dslite qui est sorti mi-janvier, voilà le .nfo:
                              `      )_| _)     '
                              .2006  __1__  skD!.
            \                 .____ |1    | ____.                  /
             \            ___ |1   (|     |)    | ___             /
          ___)\          |1  (|1    |     |1    |)   |           /(___
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     ) )//  ___(__)\ .::`|    |____  _____| ____|    |'::.  /(__)___  \\( (
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   \__   /  /__/\ .       ''::.. (           ) ..::``        . /\__\  \   __/
   /__/\ _  \__\/ |          `:::.            ::::           | \/__/  _ /\__\
  _\  \ \ \  /    |      :   ,:::'            ::::   .       |    \  / / /  /_
 /_/\  \/  )/     |      | .:::`               ':::. |       |     \(  \/  /\_\
 \_\/\ //         |      |::``                   ''::|                  \ /\/_/
  ,    /(___________     |   ___\_____________      ,,,.,;::::::::::::::::,  .
  |    )           (_     ___)                \ ,,::::::::::::::''''''''''`  |
  |   /             /     \       _______    ,:ii;;::::'''         _   __    |
  |  /            _/   ____\      )     /   ::iii;::::     _    / /_) / _    |
  |  )            \_/( \          \         :iiii:::::      )/(/ / \ /__)    |
  |  \             \  \/           \        `:iiii::::,     /:::::::\::::    |
  :  \\               /    |        \        `::iii:::::,,    ``:::::::::    :
  .   \\                   |_________\         ``::iii::::::,,  ,::::::::    .
       \\           \            /    \            \```1:::::::::::::::::
  .      \______    /\          /      \//_________( |   ```:::::::::::::    .
  |             \  /  )________(                     |        ```::::::::    |
  |1.            )/      .                           |        |  ::::::::    |
  |11:..          .      |     Wolf'n Road Group     |        |  `::::::;    |
  |111:::::...    |      `---------------------------'        |              |
  `---------------'      _   _   __ __   __      ___ __       `--------------'
  .   |   ____ ____     /_) /_) /_ /___ /_     / /  /___     ____ ____   |   .
  :   `--/___((___(----/   / \ /___ __//___ /\/ / _____/-----)___))___\--'   :
  |                           \                                              |
  |                                                                          |
  |                               nofmlite.nds                               |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                                                          |
  |        Region ......: WORLD             Language ..:  --                 |
  |        Release Date : 2007-1-10         Store Date : 2007-1-10           |
  |        System ......: Nintendo DS       Filename ..: wrg-nofl.nds        |
  |        Size ........: tiny              Supplier...: No-intro            |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                       _                                  |
  |                 __       _   __      (_)   __       __                   |
  |           /(____\/__    /_) /_  /        //_ _    __\/____)\             |
  `-----------)________(---/ \ /__ /__ . //\//  /_/---)________(-------------'
      :                       \                                          :
      |                                                                  |
      |  www.gbadat.altervista.org                                       |
      |                                                                  |
      |  "nofmlite.nds" works exactly the same as official               |
      |  "noflashme.nds". use at your own risk :p                        |
      |                                                                  |
      |  Be careful when shortening the SL1. The original NDSL firmware  |
      |  you are going to flash HAS NOT the recovery feature of FlashMe  |
      |  firmware.                                                       |
      |                                                                  |
      |  After succesfully unflashing your NDSL, check the following     |
      |  (these are well known problems caused on Lites by the "original"|
      |  firmware in official noflashme.nds):                            |
      |                                                                  |
      |  - Entering "PictoChat" should NOT freeze your NDS Lite          |
      |  - Modifying any "Configuration Settings" on your NDSL should NOT|
      |    freeze the console.                                           |
      |                                                                  |
      |  Verify also the 4 brightness levels are available and finally,  |
      |  try to play                                                     |
      |  over Wi-Fi.                                                     |
      |                                                                  |
      |  Good luck!                                                      |
      |                                                                  |
      |  CREDITS:                                                        |
      |  hack by kazumi213/no-intro                                      |
      |                                                                  |
      |  original noflashme.nds developers (Loopy, FireFly and           |
      |  DarkFader): we used their noflashme.nds code untouched (in fact |
      |  it still contains their original signature).                    |
      |  michal99: firmware supplier.                                    |
      |  bitblt from scdev.org: tester.                                  |
      |                                                                  |
      |  PS: Not sure whether it can work on iDSL :P                     |
      |                                                                  |
      |  WRG 2007 - We are here!                                         |
      |                                                                  |
      |                                                                  |
      |                                       _                          |    
  ,---|                      _   __          (_) __  ___                 |---.
  |   |      ________       /_) /_  /     /     /___ /     ________      |   |
  |   `-----/____   (------/ \ /__ /__ . /__ /   __// -----)   ____\-----'   |
  |              \   \        \                           /   /              |
  |               \___\                                  /___/               |
  |                                                                          |
Mais l'ancien marche aussi, sauf qu'il y a quelques fonctions de perdu après je crois (comme les 4 niveaux d'éclairage et le pictochat).
Enfin c'est sur que le noflashme est très risqué vu qu'il n'y a pas de mode recovery :p
Aie confiance...
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