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Vieux 04/02/2007, 16h23   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut AYE le 3.10OE est là!!!

Dark_Alex Releases v3.10 Open Edition Release A for PSP

Maxconsole nous fait parvenir les dernieres infos! encore une mise à jour

- Change from 3.03 firmware to 3.10

- 4th level of brightness (aka battery eater) can now be selected also without ac adaptor.

- Changes in hen core:

* Static user elf's can now be executed in the 3.10 kernel. (this includes snes user version
between other programs)

* Tyranid's patch (added in 3.03 OE-C) consequences was not explained very well in the changelog of 3.03 OE-C:

- For programmers: it allows kernel modules to have user imports, making kernel programming
in 3.03/3.10 less strict.

- For users: plugins and applications that worked in 2.71 SE, but not in OE, *may* now work in 3.03OE-C
and 3.10 OE-A.

voilou ^^

edit : j'avais oublié j'ai uploadé le fichier
Asus g73j, 2 x ps3 ( slim, fat ), ps2, 2xpsp, 2x xbox360 (jtag et slim), wii, ds, 2xdreamcast, saturn, nes, super nes, megadrive, gamecube, gizmondo, Amiga 500 ( qui sert toujours! ), ps vita, galaxy s2

Dernière modification par silentbob ; 04/02/2007 à 16h35.
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