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Vieux 04/02/2007, 15h43   #228 (permalink)
Too old for this shit
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Nouvelle rumeur...
For those wondering, I've now been told from a VERY reliable source that the hexcode has been leaked. No, I do not have it yet but if it crosses my path I will share it as planned. However, there is a nice twist to this news... we won't need a Mod for it after all as you can actually reprogram the Wii drive! I think we'll be hearing more on this VERY soon...
le code du wiinja aurait été leaké, et il serait même possible de reprogrammer le lecteur de la wii.

Je rappelle que çà vient de ps3newz (anciennement ps2ownz, un site à la réputation douteuse).
mais bon, un leak est un leak :p

wait & see quoi...
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