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Vieux 03/02/2007, 22h29   #3 (permalink)
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Ancienneté 72%
Avatar de Schpoon
Date d'inscription: mai 2006
Localisation: Dj MAX City
Âge: 44
Genre : Homme
Pays :
Messages: 2 041
Téléchargements: 0
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Merci: 1
Remercié 0 fois dans 0 Posts
Par défaut

si tu ne te sert pas de certaines fonctions, tu peux tout simplement virer les fichiers s' y rapportant :

##Removes/Disables Camera. XMB Icon does nothing.
flash0:/vsh/resource/camera_plugin.rco 168.8KB
flash0:/vsh/nodule/camera_plugin.prx 77.6KB

##Removes Update functionality. XMB Icon does nothing. Like you wanted it anyway...
flash0:/vsh/nodule/update_plugin.prx 20.0KB
flash0:/vsh/resource/update_plugin.rco 13.6KB

##Removes RSS apparently. Attempting to add a RSS Channel will cause the PSP to crash.
flash0:/vsh/resource/rss_subscriber.rco 11.0KB
flash0:/vsh/nodule/rss_subscriber.prx 10.0KB

##Disable XMB Video Capability. Game Videos still play. XMB Icon does nothing.
flash0:/vsh/nodule/video_plugin.prx 8.8KB
flash0:/vsh/nodule/video_main_plugin.prx 162.3KB
flash0:/vsh/nodule/msvideo_plugin.prx 10.3KB
flash0:/vsh/nodule/msvideo_main_plugin.prx 354.0KB
flash0:/vsh/resource/video_plugin_videotoolbar.rco 78.4KB
flash0:/vsh/resource/video_main_plugin.rco 32.0KB
flash0:/vsh/resource/msvideo_main_plugin.rco 157.1KB

##Disable XMB Audio Capability. Still hear the Click sounds in the XMB. XMB Icon does nothing.
flash0:/vsh/resource/music_main_plugin.rco 177.6KB
flash0:/vsh/nodule/music_main_plugin.prx 366.1KB
flash0:/vsh/nodule/music_common.prx 72.9KB
flash0:/vsh/nodule/music_plugin.prx 10.3KB

##Disables XMB Photo capability. Can still View Pictures on Eboots and Music Album Icons etc.
flash0:/vsh/resource/photo_plugin.rco 124.6KB
flash0:/vsh/nodule/photo_plugin.prx 107.8KB

##Disables/Removes Web Browser
flash0:/vsh/nodule/htmlviewer_plugin.prx 25.2KB
flash0:/vsh/nodule/htmlviewer_ui.prx 200.3KB
flash0:/vsh/nodule/htmlviewer_utility.prx 18.1KB
flash0:/vsh/resource/htmlviewer.fbm 5.2KB
flash0:/vsh/resource/htmlviewer.msg 101.8KB
flash0:/vsh/resource/htmlviewer.res 8.6KB
flash0:/vsh/resource/htmlviewer.snd 31.8KB
flash0:/vsh/resource/htmlviewer_plugin.rco 4.9KB

Dernière modification par Schpoon ; 03/02/2007 à 22h33.
Schpoon est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation