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Vieux 16/01/2007, 11h12   #8 (permalink)
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je suis aller faire un tour sur maxconsole, j'ai ma réponse, ce n'est effectivement pas possible ...

extraits :
"...even for play UMDmovie iso's?
I read, here in MCForuns, some reported problems when running UMDemu0.8C in DA's CF...
Anybody could confirm that?
As I said before, if UMDemu0.8C doesn't work properly in DA'sCF...
'Maybe the question is what is easiest: to modify UMDemu or or DA create that support for UMDmovies...'"

"yeah...umd movies doesnt work with umdemu under 3.03 OE
umd emu 0.8 doesnt work on any D_A's custom firmare at 100% because its needs full 1.50 kernel, however both the SE and the OE have only a small portion of the 1.50 fw..if D_A can modify UMDEmu so it will use full 3.03 kernel (in other word, port it) like he did with devhook for fw 2.71, then we can use it that program for umd movies...i use to watch them sometimes, but until a solution is found, we can only do on a full 1.5 fw . So plz D_A can u modify UmdEmu ?"
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