Discussion: ds linker
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Vieux 14/01/2007, 18h04   #31 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: janvier 2007
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Premier test ici: http://www.gbarl.it/index.php?showtopic=27765

En italien mais bon c'est mieux que rien.

Témoignage ici: http://www.kicktrading.ca/product_re...7ec033c4b18405

The unit I received was great. I thought I was also receiving a USB cord but I didn't but that's alright since I have a couple. The DS-Linker plays games great, the speed I thought was fast. I can upload around 850MB in 32 Minutes. Some people claim that it is slow, but they probably had a bad unit or something. Games play great, but I don't think there is much Homebrew support.

I recommend this to any first times, like myself.

Bon ben suis nulle en langue mais apparement pour résumer c'est compatibilité nickele avec les roms mais nul pr les homebrews.

Et on rpd a ta question de rapidité de transfert bitonio... C'est rapide

Un peu comme le Ds-xtreme au début les critiques nan?
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